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Can't figure out why attributes won't save or properly update


Can't figure out why attributes won't save or properly update

Not applicable

I've created something similar to the attribute helper that's more streamlined to my custom needs.  The problem I'm running into is that the Attributes only sort of update and usually don't stick with the part after they theoretically have been saved.  Sometimes yes mostly not though and I don't know why.


I've added a zip file of an example.  Let me know if there's any trouble loading the *.frm or *.frx from the zip file.  The only thing tricky to running it should be that each item selected currently needs to have a custom iproperty "Model_Number" or there may be an error.


The userform acts as a gui to add attributes.  If I have a group of items in an assy selected I should be able to add attributes and read the current attributes.  I have buttons "Update Selection" which supposedly update the value selected (combo box) or inputted (text box) to all the items selected.  I have an update button to update all the attributes just to the current item.  "Update All" updates what's currently shown to all items selected.  Next and Back load the next or last item in a set.  This (in theory) allows me to select many items and quickly change the "Group" attribute from "Furniture" to "Electrical" etc.


Any feedback or suggestions would be greatly appreciated even if they don't directly solve the problem.


Here's the code for the form just in case it's needed.

Dim ocSelected As ObjectCollection
Dim docCurrent As Document
Dim coCurrent As ComponentOccurrence
Dim lngCurrentID As Long
Private Sub UpdateSelection(strAttbName As String, strAttbVal As String)
    Dim coOcc As ComponentOccurrence
    For Each coOcc In ocSelected
        Call UpdateAttribute(coOcc, strAttbName, strAttbVal)
    Next coOcc
End Sub
Private Sub CheckIfEndOrBeginOcc()
    If lngCurrentID = 1 Then
        cmdbttnBack.Enabled = False
        cmdbttnBack.Enabled = True
    End If
    If lngCurrentID = ocSelected.Count Then
        cmdbttnNext.Enabled = False
        cmdbttnNext.Enabled = True
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub GetSelectedObjects(ocSelectedOccs As ObjectCollection)
    Dim i As Long
    Dim coDoc As ComponentOccurrence
    For i = 1 To docCurrent.SelectSet.Count
        If docCurrent.SelectSet.Item(i).Type = kComponentOccurrenceObject Then
            ocSelectedOccs.Add docCurrent.SelectSet.Item(i)
        End If
    Next i
End Sub
Private Function TestIfNoneSelected() As Boolean
    If docCurrent.SelectSet.Count < 1 Then
        TestIfNoneSelected = True
        TestIfNoneSelected = False
    End If
End Function
Private Sub PopulateData()
    Dim attbstsTemp As AttributeSets
    Set attbstsTemp = coCurrent.AttributeSets
    Dim attbstTemp As AttributeSet
    If attbstsTemp.NameIsUsed("Full") Then
        Set attbstTemp = attbstsTemp.Item("Full")
        Dim attbTemp As Inventor.Attribute
        For Each attbTemp In attbstTemp
            If attbTemp.Name = ("Group") Then
                cmbbxGroup.Value = attbTemp.Value
            ElseIf attbTemp.Name = ("Note1") Then
                txtbxNote1.Value = attbTemp.Value
            ElseIf attbTemp.Name = ("Note2") Then
                txtbxNote2.Value = attbTemp.Value
            End If
        Next attbTemp
    End If
    Dim docLoaded As Document
    Set docLoaded = coCurrent.Definition.Document
    Dim propstsLoaded As PropertySets
    Set propstsLoaded = docLoaded.PropertySets
    Dim propstLoaded As PropertySet
    Set propstLoaded = propstsLoaded.Item("User Defined Properties")
    Dim propLoaded As Property
    Set propLoaded = propstLoaded.Item("Model_Number")
    lblModelNum.Caption = propLoaded.Value
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateOcc()
    Dim attbstsTemp As AttributeSets
    Set attbstsTemp = coCurrent.AttributeSets
    Dim attbstTemp As AttributeSet
    Set attbstTemp = attbstsTemp.Item("Full")
    Dim attbTemp As Inventor.Attribute
    For Each attbTemp In attbstTemp
        If attbTemp.Name = ("Group") Then
            attbTemp.Value = cmbbxGroup.Text
        ElseIf attbTemp.Name = ("Note1") Then
            attbTemp.Value = txtbxNote1.Value
        ElseIf attbTemp.Name = ("Note2") Then
            attbTemp.Value = txtbxNote2.Value
        End If
    Next attbTemp
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateAttribute(coComponent As ComponentOccurrence, _
                            strAttbName As String, strAttb As String)
    Dim attstsSets As AttributeSets
    Set attstsSets = coComponent.AttributeSets
    Dim attstSet As AttributeSet
    Dim attbAtt As Inventor.Attribute
    Dim strSetName As String
    strSetName = "Full"
    If attstsSets.NameIsUsed(strSetName) = True Then
        Set attstSet = attstsSets.Item(strSetName)
        attstsSets.Add (strSetName)
        Set attstSet = attstsSets.Item(strSetName)
    End If
    If attstSet.NameIsUsed(strAttbName) = True Then
        attstSet.Item(strAttbName).Value = strAttb
        Set attbAtt = attstSet.Add(strAttbName, kStringType, strAttb)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdbttnBack_Click()
    lngCurrentID = lngCurrentID - 1
    Set coCurrent = ocSelected.Item(lngCurrentID)
    Call CheckIfEndOrBeginOcc
    Call PopulateData
End Sub
Private Sub cmdbttnNext_Click()
    lngCurrentID = lngCurrentID + 1
    Set coCurrent = ocSelected.Item(lngCurrentID)
    Call CheckIfEndOrBeginOcc
    Call PopulateData
End Sub
Private Sub cmdbttnGroupUpdateSel_Click()
    Call UpdateSelection("Group", cmbbxGroup.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdbttnNote1UpdateSel_Click()
    Call UpdateSelection("Note1", txtbxNote1.Value)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdbttnNote2UpdateSel_Click()
    Call UpdateSelection("Note2", txtbxNote2.Value)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdbttnUpdate_Click()
    Call UpdateOcc
End Sub
Private Sub cmdbttnUpdateAll_Click()
    Dim coTemp As ComponentOccurrence
    For Each coTemp In ocSelected
        Call UpdateOcc
    Next coTemp
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
    With cmbbxGroup
        .AddItem ("Furniture")
        .AddItem ("Audio")
        .AddItem ("Electrical")
        .AddItem ("Paint")
    End With
    Set ocSelected = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection
    Set docCurrent = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
    If TestIfNoneSelected() Then
        MsgBox ("Nothing Selected")
        'unload me
        'exit sub
        Call GetSelectedObjects(ocSelected)
    End If
    lngCurrentID = 1
    Set coCurrent = ocSelected.Item(lngCurrentID)
    Call CheckIfEndOrBeginOcc
    Call PopulateData
End Sub


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