Also this rule might be something to explore. This will add an external rule path to the configuration, based on the windows username.
So for instance my profile username on this machine is CurtisWaguespack, so this:
sUserName = Environ$("UserName")
'Add path to External iLogic rule folder for the project
oPath = "C:\Users\" & sUserName & "\MySharePointFolder\iLogic Rules"
returns: "C:\Users\CurtisWaguespack\MySharePointFolder\iLogic Rules"
where as another user's Username might be JohnSmith, so it would return
"C:\Users\JohnSmith\MySharePointFolder\iLogic Rules", on their machine.
sUserName = Environ$("UserName")
'Add path to External iLogic rule folder for the project
oPath = "C:\Users\" & sUserName & "\MySharePointFolder\iLogic Rules"
'Get current list of External iLogic directories
Dim oExternalRuleDirectories As New List(Of String)
If oExternalRuleDirectories.Contains(oPath) Then Exit Sub
If System.IO.Directory.Exists(oPath) Then
End If
iLogicVb.Automation.FileOptions.ExternalRuleDirectories = oExternalRuleDirectories.ToArray