Hi @ReneRepina. Yes...in a way. There is a special, more specific type of view object just for section views, called 'SectionDrawingView', and it has a property called 'HatchRegions' (just added in Inventor 2022) which you can use to dig down into those areas. The URL's to the HatchRegions property and all the other related stuff is still messed up, so I can't provide links to those here. You will have to navigate down into them from the other link provided, if you want to.
Here is a fairly simple example of some iLogic code to get you started, if you have Inventor 2022.
oDDoc = ThisDrawing.Document
oSheet = oDDoc.ActiveSheet
For Each oView As DrawingView In oSheet.DrawingViews
If oView.ViewType = DrawingViewTypeEnum.kSectionDrawingViewType Then
Dim oSView As SectionDrawingView = oView
For Each oHatchR As DrawingViewHatchRegion In oSView.HatchRegions
End If
Wesley Crihfield
(Not an Autodesk Employee)