We color-code our drawings to help identify certain components, such as housings, bearings, guards, etc.

We developed an iLogic rule for use in a drawing to change an edge’s layer.
The rule works well for most views with some exceptions, explained below.
I hope someone may be able to explain the mystery of why edges in an assembly detail view will not change to the specified layer.
Attached is a part, assembly, and drawing.
The part is a cylinder with a chamfered edge. It contains a custom iProperty (LayerSpec) to identify the layer appearance. In the LayerSpec iProperty, you can use layer names such as Black, Green, Magenta, Orange, Red, or Teal.
The assembly contains one instance of the part.
The drawing contains a base view of the part and a detail view of the chamfer. A second base view is of the assembly and a second detail view of the assembly showing the part’s chamfer.

When we run the iLogic rule, the layer name is extracted from the LayerSpec iProperty and the rule will attempt to change the view edges (CurveSegments) to the specified layer name for each part. Parts without layer names appear on default Inventor layers.
Edges (CurveSegments) change in the part base view, the part detail view, the assembly base view, but only some of the edges change in the assembly detail view. We are puzzled why these edges do not follow the layer change.

The sample models and drawing are attached in ZIP format. You will find the iLogic rule embedded in the drawing. The rule is also attached for easy review without opening the drawing.
I hope someone will be able to offer a solution to change the edges (CurveSegments) in all views for all features (chamfer, fillet, etc.).
Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to your replies.
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