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Use tolerance from sketch dimensions/parameters in Hole Feature

Use tolerance from sketch dimensions/parameters in Hole Feature

Some designs require a sketch to define the diameter of a (future) hole (first picture). In that way it's possible to evaluate the effect of upper- and lower tolerances (second picture). When placing the hole feature, I click in the diameter-box followed by clicking on the diameter-dimension/parameter in the sketch. The diameter is now coupled to the diameter-parameter in the sketch. But the tolerance of this hole I have to re-enter by right-clicking in the dimension-box selecting Tolerances. When changing the tolerances of the parameter the hole is not changing with it. When placing hole-notes in the drawing the tolerances of this parameter won't be updated as a consequence of this.


It would be a great enhancement to have the ability to use the tolerances previously defined in the sketch dimension/parameter, so that it's coupled to these tolerances (see third picture).

Tolerances in sketch


Evaluate upper/lower tolerances

Use tolerances from parameter


Are you trying to get the tolerances of the part to flow back to the idw?  There is a white paper written on this titled "Tolerance Modeling with Inventor.  You can find it here.


Hopefully it will help.


No, that's not my problem. As stated, when you draw a sketch and you enter a dimension for, let's say, the diameter of a circle, you can also enter the tolerances of that circle by right-clicking on the value box in which you typed the value of that dimension, select "Tolerances" and enter the appropriate tolerance method. The sketched circle resembles a hole that will be placed in the part later on. When placing that hole with the hole-feature, you can enter the diameter of the hole by selecting the parameter you created earlier. In that way if you change the diameter in the sketch, the actual diameter of the hole feature changes. But if you change the tolerances of the diameter in the sketch, the actual tolerances of the hole-feature don't change. In the hole-feature you have to enter the tolerances separately from the sketched dimension, so you can link parameters to each other, but not the tolerances of these parameters.

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