So it is really really frustrating to be kicked out of Inventor for a network hick-up. I clearly have a valid license; its up and active 99% of the time! And the thing is... I have never NOT been able to immediately re-open Inventor and get a license. Why couldn't you just wait a few seconds for the server to reconnect. I don't care if there is a window that prevents any further work but the forced closing of Inventor is ridiculous. It kills productivity and motivation and is a really good way to either mess up files or lose progress.
The current process of basically forcing us out is just way to aggressive for a temporary lost license. Sure you ask if I want to save what I am working on but I can't view those files to see what they are and if I want to save. I can't checkout files from Vault. I can't even do a "Save As" if I do have the file checked out. In my opinion, the whole process just seems really selfish for a product that we've paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for and rely on.
So the idea is... Give me a reasonable time to correctly and safely close Inventor without crippling functionality AND add a "Wait for License" button where the pop-up blocks any further work but doesn't require a shutdown