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Temporary Missing Network License - Don't force an immediate shutdown

Temporary Missing Network License - Don't force an immediate shutdown

So it is really really frustrating to be kicked out of Inventor for a network hick-up. I clearly have a valid license; its up and active 99% of the time! And the thing is... I have never NOT been able to immediately re-open Inventor and get a license. Why couldn't you just wait a few seconds for the server to reconnect.  I don't care if there is a window that prevents any further work but the forced closing of Inventor is ridiculous. It kills productivity and motivation and is a really good way to either mess up files or lose progress.


The current process of basically forcing us out is just way to aggressive for a temporary lost license. Sure you ask if I want to save what I am working on but I can't view those files to see what they are and if I want to save. I can't checkout files from Vault. I can't even do a "Save As" if I do have the file checked out. In my opinion, the whole process just seems really selfish for a product that we've paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for and rely on.


So the idea is... Give me a reasonable time to correctly and safely close Inventor without crippling functionality AND add a "Wait for License" button where the pop-up blocks any further work but doesn't require a shutdown




Are you really sure you are kicked out of inventor because of license (not some crash for another reason)?


Because as I know, they DO have a grace period (which based on the configuration can be as long as 2 hours) before you get kicked out and they DO have a message box remind you saving your files before they finally close inventor.


I maybe wrong, but that is what I heard of.

Not applicable

Well. It definitely says no license can be found. And upon restarting it always finds one. Unless restarting Inventor just restarts the grace period... If it is up to several hours, I suppose that could be happening but that would be pretty strange way to verify a license. Also, it only happens about once a day or once every other day. I would love to hear a dev on how this currently works.


They do allow me to save but occasionally I don't have things checked out from Vault yet but have made edits. The "Save Now" window cannot be closed or worked around so I have to do a Save As then merge those changes back into the Vault workflow. Also, because that window is non-negotiable, I cannot view the part to even see what it is (we have 8-digit mostly sequential PNs at my company, eg. 23265486 so it is impossible to remember them all).


I guess even if there is a generous grace period and I have other issues, there should be a less "blocking" way to do the "Lost License - Save Now" window. Also add a "Wait for License" button where it just keeps checking (until I give up that is).

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