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Submitted byAnonymouson05-07-201911:44 AM
Gathering Support
Relaionship Folder
Plain & simple, I would like to be able to organize the relationship folder. suppressing or modifying constraints to achieve a position would be much easier if I could group the constraints into folders.
I've never seen any value in the relationships folder for any assembly with more the 10 constraints. Adding the ability to create my own subfolders might make the relationships folder useful to me.
I certainly give you props for renaming all of your constraints! I could see where it would be useful if you have them grouped together if you have them all renamed.
It would be nice if the constraint dialog box had a place to name constraints on creation, similar to what they do with iMates.
I would like to be able to organize the constraints by sick and not sick. That would make it a lot easier to clean out the diseased mates and start over when a changed component has caused the assembly to blow up.
Need to watch spelling. the missing "t" made me miss this idea on my first search looking for relationship.