The "Wireframe with Visible Edges Only" view option with white background and shadows turned on is great for documentation (i.e. manuals, guides and emails). It looks good and prints nicely in black and white.
However this is only available in the 3D modeling environment. When I create a 2D Drawing and try to change the view to the same settings it is not available. In the “Edit view…” under “Sytle” you have the “Shaded” option but there is no way to change the visual style of the view option.
For the shaded option in 2D Drawing views why can you not have the same visual styles as in the 3D modeling environment?
Personally I would love to have the “Wireframe with Visible Edges Only” with shadows on within the 2D Drawing. While capturing screen images and pasting them into other documents works there are times where I need/want additional notes and especially some dimensions to be shown as well. This is extremely useful in the 2D environment. In addition when I create my drawing I often show an isometric view, and sometimes “shade” it because it helps explain and also looks good. However the shaded views don’t always print out nicely in black and white grayscale. But if I can have the view style being “Wireframe with Visible Edges Only” with shadows on that would not only look great but print out nicely as well.