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A challenge with inventor sketches is to determine which direction is "Horizontal" or "Vertical" when placing constraints. Showing axis at origin would help.
@RajSchmidt We need that to avoid strange movements of the things during the modifications. I need very often to refer the sketches to base axis. This feature costs nothing to the developers and helps us to avoid scrolling the (long) menu on the left.
Hi @giancarlo_rinero ! In the past there have been endless problems with projected axes. Axes are, by definition, endless. The projected line is not, but its length is undefined which might pose problems when changing model geometry later on. What also happened occasionally was that the projected lines grew over time since Inventor tried to make them always a bit longer than the model geometry. I have heard of cases where such a line grew to several thousand kilometres!
As I said before, I usually get along with only the projected centre point. (Which I always project automatically, see Application Options.) In rare cases where I need a line, I draw it deliberately and use constraints and dimensions to make it fix.