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Pattern welds feature

Pattern welds feature

It would be appreciate to be able of patterning welds features such as fillets and grooves. Especially for welds linked to a patterned feature in a part (per example a pin located in a patterned hole).

Autodesk Support

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Pattern weld feature


If the developers don't want to add this feature due to some unforeseen complexity. Maybe they can make it so you can create welds like normal, then right click the weld feature and allow you to auto convert it to a embedded .ipt with constraints already applied and treat it like a Virtual Component with a shape you can't edit anymore. The shape memory would be embedded in the assembly. Then if the user needs to edit it, the user just has to delete it and create a new weld.


I can see the above alternative being more useful than creating 1000's of actual .ipt files and having to store them in Vault with their extra headaches. Which is the common recommendation. 😞


I can also see the above alternative being useful even after the mated parts change. B/c sometimes the welds can be a straight pain to work with in some locations and having a virtual shape to apply to tricky locations being easier to work with.


Just an alternative idea.


Please also consider that if a series of tabs need to be welded to a part it would be ideal to pattern the welds with the part.


In our industry, our parts rely heavily on patterns...even patterns of patterns in some cases.

The weldment of these tend to be the biggest time consumer. In some cases upwards of 400 welds needs to be placed manually, whereas it could've been 40 patterned welds.

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