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Option to make Bill of Materials order match Model Tree order

Option to make Bill of Materials order match Model Tree order

 It's surprising that there is no option to synchronize the assembly Bill of Materials order with the Model Tree order. It is often important to assemble the components of a model in the same order as should appear on the BOM. It is true that the BOM is initially created in the order that parts are placed into an assembly, but often those parts are moved around in the tree and new components are added. The model tree order then diverges from the BOM order. There should be an option to Sort by "Tree Structure" to synchronize the two.


Sort By.JPG


The idea is from factory user who was posting it in the factory forum site.I just move it here.


It would be great if there was a built-in relation between the order of the model browser (of an assembly) and the order in which the corresponding BOM items are viewed and renumbered. This enables the user to change the BOM directly and intuitively by changing the browser positions. 


It would create many posibilities, like being able to communicate that the BOM = preferred order of construction, BOM = preferred order of assembly, or BOM = order of items to be viewed in documents, etc. This is i.m.o. not possible with the current functionality, unless one renumbers the entire BOM manually.


This could be accomplished by adding an option to the 'sort' function in the BOM sub-menu named 'model browser'. There could also be a checkbox to re-execute the sort command after any browser/model/parameter change.


I also always need to re-sort my parts in the BOM.

"Sort as per model tree" would speed up the workflow

Great idea!


The BOM Model Data sort order should always reflect the model tree order in the browser.

Today, this works only if you insert all the models and subassemblies in the desired order, and changes in the model tree (in the browser) are not reflected.


Example of a wrong sort orderExample of a wrong sort order

(the picture is from an older release, but the problem still exists in Inventor 2020.1.1)

Tags (6)

I would like to have a feature allowing to AUTOMATICALLY set components' order in the model tree in the same order as parts list. 

This feature would be extremely time saving.



Tags (5)

Is there any functionality implemented to apply the order of the assembly model tree to the BOM?
From my experience with various types of CAD software, I have found Inventor to be inconvenient in other areas as well.

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