The issue: Inventor displays imperial weight units in lbmass rather than simply lbs.
Inventor allows you to choose which units you want to use for weight: lbmass, slugs, grams, and kilograms. But lbmass is displayed as lbmass rather than lbs.

lbmass - technically accurate, but more confusing than useful

lbs - it simply makes sense in our everyday language

In the U.S., when we say something "weighs 491 lbs" people understand that. But when we start to define if we are talking about pounds-force vs pounds-mass, the average person gets very, very confused. In my case, that person is a client who needs to sign off an approval drawing and wants to know if special equipment will be required to lift whatever it is they're purchasing. Their concern shouldn't be "do I need to put this in a formula or something?" I know this sounds like a silly scenario, but it does happen and it makes a mess.
This issue has come up several times in the forums and suggestions for work arounds are listed, but the root of this issue still has not been addressed. Look through the forums, I know I'm not the only one looking for a permenant solution here.
My suggestion:
My suggestion is for an option to display "lbmass" as just "lbs". Recognizing that distinguishing something as lbmass may have importance for some users, I would not eliminate it entirely, but just add functionality to abbreviate it the exact same way that most people do in conversation, lbs.

Can we all agree that an option to simplify this unit to just "lbs" would make life a whole lot nicer?