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Option to change middle mouse button to "rotate view"

Option to change middle mouse button to "rotate view"

I know Autodesk likes the idea of having the middle mouse button as pan. But most operations in modeling involve rotating and navigating the model. Pan as a direct mouse click is OK if you are working in 2D. And yes I know you can drag the navigation cube and yes I know you can hit "shift" and middle mouse button at the same time.

But why not just have a simple selection to customize your own interface.

Perhaps by making the platform more flexible to the user, it will attract and retain users to the software.


Why on earth would this be coded this way, surely if so then Middle Mouse Button would have been hardcoded as Rotate, Pan would be with the addition of Shift NOT the other way around.


@Anonymous If you are unwilling to do it, could we have an offset and name of file to hexedit to do it ourselves.


This actually makes Inventor a PITA to use should I be away from my SpaceMouse, I would actually go so far to say that the only reason I bothered with buying the SpaceMouse was for Inventor as it was most frustrating to use without, SolidWorks (Middle Button), Rhino(Right button) and Even Fusion do not have this limitation.

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I have to think if this thread was easier to find the votes would be closer to 1000. I have viewed at least 6 other threads about the same thing, just in the Autodesk forums. Outside forums have a few work arounds but nothing that has worked for me. Autodesk seems to have too many software packages rushed out before they are ready, and are very lacking in support. 

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Buying a 3D mouse does not fix poor coding and lack of response to customer request. Buy a 3D mouse IS NOT THE ANSWER to this problem.   

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Another thread asking for this and years later Autodesk hasn't made a change. Buying a 3D mouse IS NOT the answer to this problem. 

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Another thread asking for this and years later Autodesk hasn't made a change. Buying a 3D mouse IS NOT the answer to this problem. Why is this archived? This problem isn't solved.  

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Another thread asking for this and years later Autodesk hasn't made a change. Buying a 3D mouse IS NOT the answer to this problem. Why is this archived? This problem isn't solved.  

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I am sure that anyone coming from almost any other 3D modeling software would like that option. The option of buying a $100 3D mouse to solve the problem is like a car salesman telling you the car doesn't come with AC but you can install a window unit if you would like. This can't be that hard to fix. As I have said before Fusion 360 allows you to rotate the view with the middle mouse button. Why can't they make this happen in Inventor.
Community Visitor
I found a product called ‘X-Mouse button control’. This allows you to configure the middle mouse button to rotate view. Easy to configure and it’s free!!
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Thank You. I will give that a try.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Gathering Support
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This is a must have, makes migration from fusion and solidworks a big pain.


I'm evaluating Inventor 2019, for migration from Wildfire/Creo. (Wildfire user, and haven't exactly cared for Creo, putting it nicely.)

Inventor does some things right, but it's got its own deficiencies in terms of basic UI stuff. (Open/Save features use a drop-down for folders, like Windows XP era interfaces.)


So middle-mouse button is pan-only, and requires shift to use it as rotation? Been this way since at least 2012? Is this really still an issue with no fix or workaround?

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We are on 2018 now. Still a problem. Along with that, everything runs much slower in Inventor than it does in Creo. Files take longer to open. When you have an assembly open, it still takes a ridiculously long time to open components from that assembly because there is no “In Session” status. The PDM solution (Vault vs. Windchill) is much less user friendly. There is no workspace in which to easily manage items that are checked out. Do your homework before switching. The sheet metal package and assembly modes have some nice features, but there is a lot of waiting if you use it for any kind of large files. Good luck!
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No there is no workaround. Autodesk doesn't seem to think it's a big deal and longtime users will tell you to just buy a 3d mouse. I have learned to deal with this issue after using Inventor for a little over a year but it's a feature I definitely miss and would love to have as an option. Autodesk does offer this option in Fusion 360 but not Inventor.
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I find just executing modeling commands has a weird hesitation...very slow.
I don't get that with Solidworks.
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Autodesk knows that this is a legitimate hurdle for new users from other platforms, and those who have to switch between platforms frequently, since it has been resolved and refined in Fusion 360. Why do they continue to pretend that Inventor is somehow different? 








@Anonymous wrote:
Autodesk knows that this is a legitimate hurdle for new users from other platforms, and those who have to switch between platforms frequently, since it has been resolved and refined in Fusion 360. Why do they continue to pretend that Inventor is somehow different? 

Just from a basic usability standpoint, it means my left hand is mostly going to be used for pressing Shift. Autodesk: Extra and non-standard key presses doesn't yield improved productivity.


Or I guess I have to try the X-Mouse workaround.


"it means my left hand is mostly going to be used for pressing Shift"
I hope you know that you can press other keys not only shift 🙂

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I was a SolidWorks user for 12 years and this the only thing i hate about Inventor. please add this option!!


This is my first post in these forums, I've been drawn out by frustration.

Why is there still not the option to set mouse buttons implemented? There are multiple requests for it over many years, surely its not that hard to add to the program?

Yes I also came from Solidworks, and seeing how clumsy it is to navigate (even for people who don't know there's a better way) has made me start to prompt our company to look at other options.
Autodesk needs to listen to what people are posting in these forums.  I have heard a few people compare Inventor to IOS as Solidworks to Android (not in a good way).  The inability to work around processes in a method that suits the user is the main cause of this.  I briefly read that Autodesk has had it out for Solidworks since it conception, but if you think hamstringing your users by not adapting and taking on some of your competitors features is insane.

I hope whoever reads this from Autodesk doesn't get their panties in a bunch and delete it 🙂

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