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Global and personal presets

Global and personal presets

t would be nice if presets for tapped holes, extrusions, etc. could be saved globally and locally. In two libraries. So that company presets can be distributed uniformly for everyone and your own presets can still be created.


Great idea! It would also be nice to have a third library of presets, specific to each individual file. So you can create a preset for a hole type that occurs frequently in a particular part, without cluttering your "personal presets" if it's not used much elsewhere.


Ok. Yes. That sounds good, too.


Two lists of presets. One for global and one for personal use. And an option to store presets into the part or assembly, insted of a extra file. 👍


Because of the high number of possible presets, it might be good if you could divide them into categories. So that you can find them better.

- local

- personal

- global


Maybe it could help, if you can mark some then as favorit. So that the order would be

Fav Name 1

Fav Name 2

Fav Name 3

Fav Name 4

Fav Name 5

- local (side pulldown)

- personal (side pulldown)

- global (side pulldown)


Or in example the last five used

Last Name 1

Last Name 2

Last Name 3

Last Name 4

Last Name 5

- local (side pulldown)

- personal (side pulldown)

- global (side pulldown)


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