The idea is to expose an Inventor ReadOnly API in order to allow Inventor ReadOnly compliant addins to work properly.
The introduction of Inventor ReadOnly was definitely one of the best decisions taken by Autodesk in the last 15 years. The availability of the most powerful 3D program on the market as a self contained viewer free of charge has made a revolution in the field. In certain specific situations there are some limitations in its use, because certain settings and tasks need to be controlled via API which is not available in Inventor ReadOnly. Implementing this idea would address those limitations.
At the time of writing Inventor ReadOnly (InvRO hereinafter) does not load third party addins (more details in this forum post). This decision has been taken to avoid non-legitmate usages of Inventor from the API side, as it could be possible accessing some methods that save files on the harddrive. This would violate the InvRO philosophy. One exception has been done for 3DConnexion, as this is clearly an "input addin" that is only intended to affect the visualizing of documents, without producing any save action. Nevertheless there can be other addins that do not violate the InvRO philosophy, which would be needed to be loaded in order to optimize functionality and performance of Inventor ReadOnly. This limitation should be corrected (user cases will follow).
[WHY is an InvRO-API needed?]
Following this post the first two examples of InvRO compliant actions that should be allowed to be performed by an addin, as they do not violate the InvRO philosophy. Other users are welcome to post their own user stories where an InvRO-API would be required. This way, when this idea will come to a sufficient amount of votes to be considered, there will be already some literature for the development team to work on it.
@loren_welch always asks me "how many more licenses will I sell with this feature?"
I can already answer: many decision makers would gladly consider to adopt Inventor as a CAD system if they knew that a powerful viewer as InvRO is available and can be seamlessly integrated in their system. I've already seen it with my eyes.
If you like this Idea and if you like Inventor ReadOnly in general please consider to support also the other idea to address the limitation of InvRO not being able to open all AnyCAD supported files.
For those who are interested a link to a video demonstrating how to build an Inventor ReadOnly deployment will be posted under here in the upcoming weeks.