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Ive been looking for a way of showing the parts description in the browser instead of the part number/file name. This would make a good addition to any new releases,
Jhunt, I am updating this Idea as a duplicate of and accepting the other as the Master (due to the current kudo count). Despite the fact this Idea was authored first (in 11-7-2012). I see you have also replied to it with comments. I hope you are cool with that & understand. Thanks -Dan
I have the same wish: We use dumb partnumber (which is also the filename) without any information in it. Therefore we would like seeing also the description (i.e. a certain iProperty field) in the Browser (besite the filename).
I am also 100% for a width mate, I used it continuosly in solidworks, but sadly I am not using Solid works right now. I am getting used to Inventor, but I realy miss the width mate.
When using the "Rename Browser Nodes" the options are very limited.
A nice way to keep order and organize files is to name files with part numbers. Since the two options for browser nodes are filename and part number, there is actually only one option for many users.
A suggestion is to have the standard iProperties as an option for browser nodes, and also to combine these using like regular expressions or something like that.
It would also be nice if the browser nodes stayed synced to what we set them to. For example, if we set them to Part Number, and the Part Number changed, the Browser node would change as well.
Also, this thread is very hard to follow with all of the misplaced comments regarding a width/symmetrical mate. Can those be deleted or moved to the right place?
Thanks @DRoam, they have been moved & the votes merged into the Master Idea. As far as deleting comments, I typically shy away from this action. Deleting comments in a forum can be sensitive business, especially ones that were authored for constructive purposes. Thanks!
it would be nice, if i can use my user defined iproperties to overwrite the browser nodes in my assembly. For example, I have an iProperty called "ARTICELNUMBER" = 123456789 and another one called "NAME" = "Plate1" - the new Browsernode could be "123456789 - Plate1" (all my choosen iproperties seperated by " - ")
We got some iProperties, that we like to see at browser tree. Actually we got a marcro that renames the browser nodes, but it would be easier to trigger an inventor command 🙂
@dan_szymanski: I want to ask about the status of this feature. The initial idea is there already from 2014 and it would be a highly appreciated function!
Another useful option would be to 'stabilize' browser node names In order to prepare the iLogic-configured assy model for any Copy/Place iLogic Component etc scenario.