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when I draw a square with equal constraints, then add a fillet. My conception will deform into a rectangle. What I'd like is that when I apply a fillet to “equal” edges, it reacts like the second square in the video.
You have given an equality constraint to straight lines. After rounding, the length of the straight line changes, and consequently the rest of the geometry will be adjusted according to the relations you defined.
If you parameterize the distances between parallel lines, rounding will not affect their spacing (because it does not affect the feature itself).
This is not a programming error. This is pure mathematics.
I didn't say it's programming error, i would like just can make my fillets at the end of the sketch and don't destroy my conception. Or sometimes, it's just impossible to create a fillet without many error due to my constraint.
You've submitted something to the idea board that can't be implemented by design; because the current state is a matter of pure logic, not developer choice.
The "equal" constraint is based on the length of the line segment.
The point where the curve of your fillet starts is where the line ends, there is no other way to interpret that.
Adding a fillet will shorten the line segment and because of the constraint you choose, the other line will of course follow, but since there is no fillet here your overall shape will no longer be a square.
Always think carefully about which constraints to use where. If all sides will get the same fillet then keep adding them and the figure will automatically because square again. If you are planning on using different size fillets, then an equal constraint is a very bad choice here.
In your case I'd use an overall width dimension and then an overall height dimension which references to the parameter of the width. This will ensure that your figure will always remain square.