why does Inventor not honor maximized window behavior and stay fixed on one monitor?


why does Inventor not honor maximized window behavior and stay fixed on one monitor?


This has been happening since at least 2016 version IIRC and we're now on 2021 about to upgrade to 2023.


We're still on Win10, all updates applied to OS, software and graphics card.


Recently noticed this issue is back after believing it was fixed previously.


We use two monitors for our work stations.  Inventor is maximized on left monitor.  Every now and then it decides it wants to bleed over onto the right monitor ever so slightly and even cover up just a little bit of the top of the toolbar.


Attached screenshot shows the lower right corner of monitor 1 and the lower left corner of monitor two although you can only assume that since the red lines I drew in there show approx. where the two monitors are separated.


Green shows Inventor over the top edge of the toolbar.  Have not noticed that before though.


Seems graphics related but no idea where to look.



8 Replies
Replies (8)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! This could be Windows update related. Please take a look at the reply #18 in the following thread. It describes the related Windows settings and how to change them.




Many thanks!


Johnson Shiue (johnson.shiue@autodesk.com)
Software Test Engineer


Thank You Johnsonshiue,


We are using the custom setting in that area so for now I've disabled show window contents while dragging and will report back next week with any results.


Again, Thank You!


Still seeing the same issue where Inventor bleeds over to the 2nd screen.  After reading all the posts after #18 in that other thread, I'll hold off disabling everything as suggested and live with it.



Not much of an update to this but am hoping it provides something else to consider looking into.


Multiple times as I sit starring at my monitor, dreaming up a solution to a mechanical problem, ie, I am not touching the keyboard or mouse, multiple times I see the maximized Inventor window suddenly flicker and then the window shifts over onto the 2nd monitor by roughly 1/8".


It's as if something in the background, an already running program or Inventor itself suddenly thinks it has to do some sort of automatic timed, we need to maximize the window without user input- type process or something.


One possible program might be the drivers for the 3D Connexion space mouse since it's active at the same time but not sure why any program would just up and send a maximize window command out of the blue.


HTH somebody looking into this annoying bug.  It's annoying because why you are in the middle of deep thought pondering mechanical solutions your screen flickers and shifts.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! I am not sure if you have tried it but here are my suggestions. Go to Windows Display settings and select the recommended resolution and scale. Right-click on Inventor desktop icon -> Properties -> Compatibility -> Change High DPI settings -> check both boxes.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (johnson.shiue@autodesk.com)
Software Test Engineer


Hi Johnson,


I checked the two boxes as you suggested this morning but thru out the day the Inventor window still  ends up on the 2nd monitor by roughly 1/8".  I can't say if it's any better or worse.  With 2021 it was happening 10+ times a day approx.


We just upgraded to 2023 this week.  


Is there anything I can do from my end such as work directly with a programmer or something in order to try and nail down what is causing this?  


Thanks for your help and suggestions too!  

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! I could be wrong but this could be hardware or Windows settings related. Or, the combination of the two. The issue here is that I have never heard of this behavior. Nor do we know the exact combination to reproduce it.

Did my suggestion lead to "some" change in behavior? Or, it is pretty much the same?

Many thanks!


Johnson Shiue (johnson.shiue@autodesk.com)
Software Test Engineer


The behavior is still the same.  This issue has been reported by others in fact there was another thread where the suggestion was to modify some of the monitor settings but since our company appears to have made modifications I choose not to explore those settings at the time.  I'll go back now and try and see if one of those recommendations work.


It's almost as if it isn't something that a user is doing.  It's something within the operating system or software which appears to cause a window to reseat the maximized window or something, automatically at timed intervals.  


This has been happening since version 2016 IIRC.