It's one of those feature you'll come to love in Inv 😞
Unfortunately Inv doesn't create separate UNDO files, nor does it create large enough UNDO files
I'm afraid I can't suggest any workaround or switch or setting or anything that might help, other than putting a Wish into
"Humour ... is one man shouting gibberish in the face of authority, and proving by fabricated insanity that nothing could be
as mad as what passes for ordinary living."
(Terence 'Spike' Milligan K.B.E., 1918-2002)
wrote in message
Why does the Undo command let me undo steps from a previous file? If I'm working in an assembly, then switch to a part file
(leaving the assy open), my next undo command refers to the last command in the file in the previous window (or last open
file), not the last command in the curently open window. Is there a setting or switch that I'm unaware of?