STEP file conversion disallows reuse of assets
I've been wondering for a while...when I design tools I usually export product files in STP (different software) and import them in Inventor to serve as background. In order to have better control over them I import as separate parts. Don't look down on me but we use shared cloud location for this kind of purpose and PLM for the product (not my idea).
The thing is, it's common that those files comprise of mostly the same parts - plates, brackets, screws and so on - and whenever I want to import and save a file which includes parts with "conflicting" name/number I need to change the file name for each. Otherwise I'm welcomed with:
These parts are exactly the same. Same geometry, same metadata, etc. and could be just used interchagably. Why doesn't Inventor allow overwriting / replacement or skipping and reuse of assets?
Yes - I can use a prefix or suffix for every part but the folders look like a mess and everything weighs a lot more.
Apparently this stands in opposition to this incident which has not been resolved yet, right? And description given here.
Is there a toggle for the behaviour or the thing I require was present, fixed in the above given incident and the status never updated or what?