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Link flat pattern to model state


Link flat pattern to model state


Hello everyone,


I'm new to inventor, after a period of 14 years I've began a new Job with inventor.

Inventor is also new in this company and i tried to set it up as good as i can.

So I've used this board extensively the past month.


A lot of things are (more or less) the same as solidworks. some things are very different, some better, other worse

But all things considering, inventor is growing on me.


One of the things i can't quite figure out is this question:

How can i link a model state to the flat pattern "state" of a part?

I would to use it this way so i can suppress features in the flat pattern. Instead of having extra work with new features to fill holes and add material.


I've searched the forum and google but haven't found an answer yet.


Is it possible? how?

Or is there another way to achieve the same result?


Thanks in advance

6 Replies
Replies (6)


You can't recall a flat pattern in a model state, but you can "simulate" a flat pattern using fold/refold tools.

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Hello Admaiora,


Thank you for your reply. I'm replying in a different account because the topic-start account was an old account which was still on this PC. This Account is my own.


A workaround with fold/refold tools won't work.

We use the flat pattern "feature" to generate a DWG of the cutting contour and outline (extents) dimensions.

So we have to make a link to the right model state to ensure the right outcome.

I hope my explanation makes sense.



Use Fold/Refold, create a flat part Model state and suppress Refold


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Again, a workaround with fold/refold tools won't do it for us.

The flat pattern feature is needed for the various extra steps in our process.


The old way was to make the flat pattern and remove the holes by extruding material. for the extra material on the outside, actual material was added in the flat pattern. If this is the only way to make this work than we revert back to this.

We had hoped the model states would make the extra effort (of filling the holes and adding material) unnecessary. 

But if the model states can't be linked to the states of the part (flat pattern or folded model) than it's unusable.



Do you realize unfolding is the same as the Flat Pattern beyond missing bend lines?


I would have to see an example to understand why an unfolded model state would not work. Do you know how to use Model State?


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unfolding is kinda the same as the flat pattern.

The bend lines are missing, correct.

Also the outline dimensions are generated here (extents)

And also the generation of the DWG cutting contour is generated from the .ipt from this flat pattern.

so we really have to use the flat pattern.


I get that de model states is inventors version of configurations in solidworks. except in solidworks the flat pattern is also a configuration. So there it is easy to make modifications on sheet metal parts is some versions.


But in inventor the model states are not linked to the flat pattern so when the cutting contour is generated, it takes a random (last saved/used) model state.


I've included another part were you can see that some holes are drilled after the bending procedure.

The sequence of making this part is: cutting the contour, bending the product, drilling the holes.

The 'old' way of drawing this part was to use the folded model to show the end-product. Then use the flat pattern to fill the holes drilled after bending, to create the right cutting contour.

The new way is with the model states we made a model states. We named one "flat pattern" and suppressed the holes which were drilled after the bending procedure. This way we don't have the extra effort of filling those holes.


But the model states are not linked so there is no way to make sure the right model state is being used in the flat pattern "cutting contour DWG" creation.


I hope this explains the necessity.