iPart iAssembly and Frame Generator not getting along


iPart iAssembly and Frame Generator not getting along

Not applicable

I am trying to put together what should be a simple iAssembly to create a part with various options and there has to be some simple solution I'm overlooking.  I've simplified the assembly for this discussion.  I have a track that has structural members that have end plates on each end.  I need to have the ends have various sizes and I have them setup as an iPart and that part is working.  I also have the dimensions from the plates driving the spacing wireframe that the rails are placed on.  This all works fine however when I try and change the length I run into problems.  I can not drive the length of the rails from the assembly due to "circular reference" and if I try and make the wireframe  part file an iPart when I change the component to a different length the Frame Generator no longer recognizes the sketch. 


Is there anyway to make this assembly work with Frame Generator where I can have a table driven assembly that I can create multiple lengths and end plate sizes?


kelly.young has embedded your image for clarity

3 Replies
Replies (3)


Hello @Anonymous


Could you attach your Assembly and Part please?


To understand more what is going on with your model.


Also what version of Inventor are you using?



Thomas Savage

Design Engineer


Not applicable

Inventor 2018.  I have multiple versions of the part that I have tried different routes to get it to work.  Here's one of them that I got close on before everything started to break down.





Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! If I understood the requirements and how Inventor works correctly, I don't believe there is good workflow here. Conceptually, iPart/iAssembly and Frame Gen are conflicting technology. Here is the reason. iPart/iAssembly is meant for creating library components. These components should be well-defined geometry and size captured on the iPart/iAssembly table. They should not be driven by anything other than parameters on the table.

Frame Gen is based on skeletal modeling. This means that a skeletal part (sketch or body edges) drives frame member length. Now if you turn a Frame Gen into an iPart/iAssembly, who will be the driver? This is why I don't think there is a good workflow here.

Certainly, you could insert custom frame members from Content Center and turn them into iParts and build up an iAssembly. However, they will not be driven by the skeletal part in a Frame Gen assembly.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (johnson.shiue@autodesk.com)
Software Test Engineer