Inventor training for new users


Inventor training for new users


Hello friends,


In the company where I work, we started to use Inventor for 3D modeling. In the past some designers worked only in AutoCAD even without proper training so they developed a lot of bad practices. 


We have 2 offices: in office A we have experienced users in 3D modeling, in office B we have users with "AutoCAD" experience. We arranged Inventor training for office B (3 days training from authorized reseller), inhouse training (couple days) and online hotline video from office A experienced users... - and still.. - a lot of basics questions and problems with modeling simple designs

So my question is - can you share your experience with Inventor training for users with very low experience in 3D modeling? Any ideas what can be useful to increase inexperienced users productivity? 




3 Replies
Replies (3)


Sorry, not adding much to this as you nailed it in the first sentence.


Would highly recommend professional training asap to avoid allowing dirty modeling practices into your existing CAD data.


The company I had worked for yrs ago threw Inventor onto our pc's and said learn it without training.  While we did so eventually the company paid for all the designers and engineers to attend a short evening class learning Inventor basics at a local community collage that offered such a class.  


It's very hard to break bad habits after they have started, get training now.



I have a bit of experience doing just that...Acad to Inventor and SolidWorks to Inventor.

PM me and we can discuss some options as far as what I can offer for help and training to what you can do on your end to lighten the burden and get users involved.


I'm going through some of these very issues were I am at now, it's a matter of breaking bad habits, and that's a very challenging task. Better angle of attack is to find their pain points and eliminate them. THAT is when you'll get the buy-in you need. 


But please reach out to me and I'll offer whatever help I can.

You can PM here or through my website below.


its not the training its what is going happen after the training is complete

who is going to monitor those employees to make sure they are doing things correctly for next month or 60 days or even 90 days or longer?

is this something you can pay for if you bring in an outside consultant or have someone internally manage?


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