The solution explains how to uninstall Autodesk software products and delete any remaining files of these products from the system. The end result is a clean system that can install new Autodesk products.
Important statement: backup any existing custom Autodesk files before executing the following procedure.
First, uninstall all Autodesk products
1. on the start menu (Windows), click Settings > control panel".
2. in the control panel, right-click add / remove programs, and then click open".
3. in the add / Remove Programs Properties dialog box, select the Autodesk product you want to uninstall, and click Add / remove". 4. when the system prompts you to confirm that you have completely deleted the selected program and all its components, click yes".
5. if the system prompts you to delete the shared file, click delete all, and then click Yes when the system prompts you to confirm to continue".
6. after the uninstall process is complete, click ok".
7. select the next Autodesk product you want to uninstall, and repeat steps 3 through 6.
8. repeat the process until all Autodesk products have been unloaded from the system.
Some uninstall procedures for Autodesk products require you to restart your computer when the uninstall is complete. If this happens, restart your computer as ordered, and then return the add / Remove program dialog box after restarting.
9. restart the computer after the last Autodesk product is uninstalled.
Two, delete any remaining Autodesk files
1. in Windows explorer, delete the installation folder for each Autodesk product that has been uninstalled in the above program.
2. delete the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\ folder.
Note: if your operating system is configured to Program Files folder is stored in other non drive C, the path is in the drive.
3. delete the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk folder.
4. delete the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Autodesk
C:\Documents, and, Settings\\Local, Settings\Application, Data\Autodesk
Note: you need to delete these folders for each Windows user account.
Three, delete any remaining items of the Autodesk product from the Windows registry
Notice! The problem caused by improperly editing the Windows Registry will render your computer operating system unusable. Microsoft in Microsoft Knowledge Base ( provides you with a large number of critical information needed for your understanding of the registry.
The risk of use Microsoft registry editor conceit, and can only be after backing up the registry and system.dat and user.dat (Microsoft Knowledge Base file based on the outline and related solutions for your operating system do). The help theme in the Microsoft registry editor also contains more information about the registry.
1. log on to the workstation as a member of the local administrators group.
2. on the start menu (Windows), click run".
3. in the run dialog box, type regedit in the open box and click OK to start the registry editor.
4. in the registry editor, find the following subkey and delete them:
5. quit registry editor.
6. restart the computer.
All previous Autodesk product installations have now been removed from the system.
Before reinstalling the Autodesk program
In Windows explorer, delete the contents of your Windows temp directory. Your Windows temp directory is usually located in C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp.
With powerful uninstall tools
Because sometimes the old version of the product is non normal uninstall, delete the registry and related documents, and then install tips have been installed at this time, can use 360 or other powerful uninstall tool, completely uninstall and then install.
Need to shut down antivirus software when necessary
End any virus checker by using the end task function; disabling virus check programs from the system disk may not be enough. A virus checker can block certain activities that are considered suspicious (accessing the registry, adding / deleting / updating DLL files, etc.) even though they are common when installing or deleting programs.
There are several antivirus programs that can be disabled by right clicking on their taskbar icons and clicking "disable" on the shortcut menu. For more information on disabling antivirus software, consult the vendor of the software.
Important Disclaimer: not only do you want to disable antivirus software, but also use end tasks to end antivirus software.
To verify that the antivirus program is not running as TSR, it is still running in the background:
1. press the CTRL+ALT+DELETE key.
2. click task manager.
3. in the task manager's process tab, select the antivirus program's process, and then click finish process".
I hope to be able to help you, my best!