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Inventor- missing logo after exporting to Autocad dwg


Inventor- missing logo after exporting to Autocad dwg

Not applicable


I have a problem with exporting Inventor idw into Autocad dwg format. I couldn't find a solution on this forum.

After the export, the logo is missing. The export option works fine for all of my coworkers. I have no clue what causes this problem. If i ask anyone else to export the original .idw file it works fine so it seems that the problem is located on my computer. 

I attach the .idw file, the .dwg i get after the export and a screenshot of what i see.

Please help me. What can i do to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

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20 Replies
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Reinstall to fix the problem.






Why do you say re-install?

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Mike Davis



The solution explains how to uninstall Autodesk software products and delete any remaining files of these products from the system. The end result is a clean system that can install new Autodesk products.
Important statement: backup any existing custom Autodesk files before executing the following procedure.
First, uninstall all Autodesk products
1. on the start menu (Windows), click Settings > control panel".
2. in the control panel, right-click add / remove programs, and then click open".
3. in the add / Remove Programs Properties dialog box, select the Autodesk product you want to uninstall, and click Add / remove". 4. when the system prompts you to confirm that you have completely deleted the selected program and all its components, click yes".
5. if the system prompts you to delete the shared file, click delete all, and then click Yes when the system prompts you to confirm to continue".
6. after the uninstall process is complete, click ok".
7. select the next Autodesk product you want to uninstall, and repeat steps 3 through 6.
8. repeat the process until all Autodesk products have been unloaded from the system.
Some uninstall procedures for Autodesk products require you to restart your computer when the uninstall is complete. If this happens, restart your computer as ordered, and then return the add / Remove program dialog box after restarting.
9. restart the computer after the last Autodesk product is uninstalled.
Two, delete any remaining Autodesk files
1. in Windows explorer, delete the installation folder for each Autodesk product that has been uninstalled in the above program.
2. delete the C:\Program Files\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\ folder.
Note: if your operating system is configured to Program Files folder is stored in other non drive C, the path is in the drive.
3. delete the C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk folder.
4. delete the following folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Autodesk
C:\Documents, and, Settings\\Local, Settings\Application, Data\Autodesk
Note: you need to delete these folders for each Windows user account.
Three, delete any remaining items of the Autodesk product from the Windows registry
Notice! The problem caused by improperly editing the Windows Registry will render your computer operating system unusable. Microsoft in Microsoft Knowledge Base ( provides you with a large number of critical information needed for your understanding of the registry.
The risk of use Microsoft registry editor conceit, and can only be after backing up the registry and system.dat and user.dat (Microsoft Knowledge Base file based on the outline and related solutions for your operating system do). The help theme in the Microsoft registry editor also contains more information about the registry.
1. log on to the workstation as a member of the local administrators group.
2. on the start menu (Windows), click run".
3. in the run dialog box, type regedit in the open box and click OK to start the registry editor.
4. in the registry editor, find the following subkey and delete them:
5. quit registry editor.
6. restart the computer.
All previous Autodesk product installations have now been removed from the system.
Before reinstalling the Autodesk program
In Windows explorer, delete the contents of your Windows temp directory. Your Windows temp directory is usually located in C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Temp.
With powerful uninstall tools
Because sometimes the old version of the product is non normal uninstall, delete the registry and related documents, and then install tips have been installed at this time, can use 360 or other powerful uninstall tool, completely uninstall and then install.
Need to shut down antivirus software when necessary
End any virus checker by using the end task function; disabling virus check programs from the system disk may not be enough. A virus checker can block certain activities that are considered suspicious (accessing the registry, adding / deleting / updating DLL files, etc.) even though they are common when installing or deleting programs.
There are several antivirus programs that can be disabled by right clicking on their taskbar icons and clicking "disable" on the shortcut menu. For more information on disabling antivirus software, consult the vendor of the software.
Important Disclaimer: not only do you want to disable antivirus software, but also use end tasks to end antivirus software.
To verify that the antivirus program is not running as TSR, it is still running in the background:
1. press the CTRL+ALT+DELETE key.
2. click task manager.
3. in the task manager's process tab, select the antivirus program's process, and then click finish process".

I hope to be able to help you, my best!





Welcome to the forum.


It used to be an issue back in 2009-2011. The solution back then was to edit the registry and associate Paint with bmp but I doubt it's our problem.



normally you would need to save your drawing in IDW format and then back to Inventor DWG format but I get an error..


did you edit the file in Autocad? when I try to save it as IDW I get this error.



Adrian S. 

AIP2012-2020 i7 6700k AMD R9 370
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That doesn't solve the issue, the user has Inventor and AutoCAD fully installed correctly and this is not a symptom of a bad install.


This is something that has always occurred with Inventor when you export a titleblock with an embedded image in the border.  Usually there will be an image that will get placed in the folder where you dumped your new AutoCAD export to, but I don't recall if it only does that when the image is linked.


Normally you avoid linking images due to Vault concerns or just moving files around haphazardly.  The best solution here is to actually vector your image and have it as normal geometry if the logo is not that complicated to draw.  It will make you life a lot easier down the road as long your company isn't in the habit of changing logos all the time.

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Mark Flayler - Engagement Engineer

IMAGINiT Manufacturing Solutions Blog:


@Anonymous wrote:


After the export, the logo is missing. T

Confirm your autocad version for us too.


Might be your Autocad, see here.

Adrian S. 

AIP2012-2020 i7 6700k AMD R9 370
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Not applicable

I have the newest version of autocad and inventor.

No i didn't save .dwg file in autocad. It's the originally exported one from inventor.

The OLE object visibility isn't the problem here becouse if someone else sends me the converted file it works fine and i can see the logo in autocad.

I've tried reinstalling the whole autodesk but it didnt' help.

Thank You for responses.



@Anonymous wrote:

I have the newest version of autocad and inventor.



iProperties would seem to indicate that you have not installed Service Pack 1.



Autodesk Inventor 2019 Certified Professional
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I was able to validate the registry changes worked for this with the sample file.  I did have to Export it again to realize the change.


However, this may not be viable moving forward when Paint eventually gets removed from Windows and Autodesk will have to address or fix the software at that time or before.


I stand by my recommendation though that you should just draw the Logo.  What you used as an example is probably not indicative of what your logo would look like but pure geometry will never fail you.

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Mark Flayler - Engagement Engineer

IMAGINiT Manufacturing Solutions Blog:


@mflayler wrote:

I was able to validate the registry changes worked for this with the sample file.  I did have to Export it again to realize the change.



Is >>this<< the solution you used?

Adrian S. 

AIP2012-2020 i7 6700k AMD R9 370
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Yes.  I only had to change one of the registry keys as the other two were already set.

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Mark Flayler - Engagement Engineer

IMAGINiT Manufacturing Solutions Blog:


Not applicable

Yes. That's becouse i've created this thread after my first reinstalation without the updates- clear 2018 version.

I have Paint.Picture set as a default for .bmp format.

I know that drawing the logo could be a good walkaround. But it works for everyone else but not me. If i get the .dwg from my coworkers it looks fine. Even the one i attached here in my first post.

Is there anything more that can cause this problem? 



@Anonymous wrote:


Is there anything more that can cause this problem? 

Save it in Inventor IDW format and then save it back to Inventor DWG format....


does it work?

Adrian S. 

AIP2012-2020 i7 6700k AMD R9 370
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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Guys,


This is a weird problem. We do have a few customers reporting the same behavior but there is no consistent way to reproduce it. It is a combination of several things. Here is what we know so far.


1) Uninstall/reinstall Inventor may not help. Please do not attempt it. It should not matter.

2) It is related to AutoCAD's reliance on Paint.Picture as the editor for .bmp file.

3) User Account Control (UAC) can play a role. There is a behavioral difference with UAC on or off.

4) Changing default image editing program may help. The following article talked about .gif. You need to make the same change to .bmp.


Many thanks!


Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


@johnsonshiue   *I have it ...

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Mike Davis



I have encountered this issue in the past.


It had to do with the picture not embedding properly because of the file format or something else weird.


What I ended up doing to get around it is recreate the drawing template. Not sure why it worked, but here's what I did.


1. Create template as idw, with linked parameters.

2. Export the .idw to a dwg file.

3. Edit the template and insert the dwg file.

4. Grab the photo inserted from the dwg file within the edit context and properly position it.

5. Delete the original photo.

6. Save, & complete.


The weird thing was that after I inserted it using the dwg, I'm pretty sure the image's properties as they relate to the OLE file would show up differently, and this would let me not change the file.


Another potential fix might be as below:

*note, I have a different version of the code below that arguably works better because of occasional issues finding the file name of the OLE object, but don't have access to that version currently.


'From Owner2229 --

Sub Main()

	Dim oDoc As DrawingDocument = ThisDoc.Document
	For Each oSheet As Sheet In oDoc.Sheets
    		Dim oTD As TitleBlockDefinition = oSheet.TitleBlock.Definition
    		Dim oImages As SketchImages = oTD.Sketch.SketchImages
    		For Each oImg As SketchImage In oImages
        		If Not oImg.LinkedToFile Then Continue For
        		Dim oFN As String = oImg.ReferencedFileDescriptor.FullFileName
        		Dim oPos As Point2d = oImg.Position
        		Dim oTran As Boolean = oImg.Transparent
        		Dim oWidth As Double = oImg.Width
        		Dim oHeight As Double = oImg.Height
        		Dim oNewImg As SketchImage = oImages.Add(oFN, oPos, False) 'False = Not linked
        		oNewImg.Transparent = oTrans
        		oNewImg.Width = oWidth
        		oNewImg.Height = oHeight
        		'Uncomment this line if the image moves after changing the width and height:
        		'oNewImg.Position = oPos

End SUb


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Justin K
Inventor 2018.2.3, Build 227 | Excel 2013+ VBA
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Vb.Net/VBA Programming: MSDN | Stackoverflow | Excel Object Model
Inventor API/VBA/Vb.Net Learning Resources: Forum Thread

Sample Solutions:Debugging in iLogic ( and Batch PDF Export Sample ) | API HasSaveCopyAs Issues |
BOM Export & Column Reorder | Reorient Skewed Part | Add Internal Profile Dogbones |
Run iLogic From VBA | Batch File Renaming| Continuous Pick/Rename Objects

Local Help: %PUBLIC%\Documents\Autodesk\Inventor 2018\Local Help

Ideas: Dockable/Customizable Property Browser | Section Line API/Thread Feature in Assembly/PartsList API Static Cells | Fourth BOM Type

Not applicable
Accepted solution

This was happening to me, only me, out of all of my coworkers, as well.

Our IT guy spent 3 days to figure out the problem...Windows registry.


  1. In Windows Start menu, search “regedit” and click “regedit.exe”
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes
  3. Delete .bmp folder
  4. Restart computer.

This is the ONLY thing that worked for me, but it worked.


Not applicable

It worked! 🙂 Thank You for your answer. 🙂

Only deleting the .bmp folder worked. 🙂

I hope it will help many Inventor users.


Not applicable

I'm glad to help.

This goes beyond Inventor, as I have seen the same unsolved problem on Solidworks forums also.

I have been posting on all forums I can find where this problem exists.