Inventor - Lag/Hanging when creating or editing a dimension on a drawing.


Inventor - Lag/Hanging when creating or editing a dimension on a drawing.


Inventor hangs for a couple seconds when editing a dimension on a drawing. Noticibly more delay when selecting the Precision & Tolerance Tab.


Attached video showing the issue. This occurs when editing the dimension too - not just when creating dimensions.


Running Inventor 2025 Build 293, Release 2025.2.

Intel i7-14700. Nvidia RTX 3050 6GB. 16GB RAM





14 Replies
Replies (14)

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Welcome to the forum.  Thank you for your question and for the video and additional information.  Hopefully one of our experts can help you solve this.  Good luck!

Chris Benner
Industry Community Manager – Design & Manufacturing

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Hi! I would check a few things.


1) Make sure all critical Windows updates and the latest graphics driver are installed.

2) Go to Windows Display Settings and select the recommended resolution and scale.

3) Right-click on Inventor desktop icon -> Properties -> Compatibility -> check "Run as Admin" -> Change High DPI settings -> check both boxes.

4) If you are using dual monitors, please make sure the one hosting Inventor is the primary monitor.

5) Clean up %temp%.

6) Make sure your Styles Library has been migrated using Style Library Manager.

7) Check where the Styles Library is stored. If it is on a shared network drive, whitelist Inventor.exe and * in the Antivirus/network control tool.

8) Close all apps and go to C:\Windows\System32\ and find FNTCACHE.DAT. Rename to something else. Reboot the machine.


Please report your findings after all the steps have been taken.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


Hi @johnsonshiue , thanks for your reply.


I've worked through the steps you suggested. If you could please provide more info on the ones I've highlighted?


1) Make sure all critical Windows updates and the latest graphics driver are installed.

- Already done.

2) Go to Windows Display Settings and select the recommended resolution and scale.

- I have a 1440p monitor, so use windows resolution scaling 125% else the text is too small for me. Changing to 100% had no effect.

3) Right-click on Inventor desktop icon -> Properties -> Compatibility -> check "Run as Admin" -> Change High DPI settings -> check both boxes.

- Had no effect.

4) If you are using dual monitors, please make sure the one hosting Inventor is the primary monitor.

- Already done.

5) Clean up %temp%.

- Done. Had no effect.

6) Make sure your Styles Library has been migrated using Style Library Manager.

- Could you provide a little more info please? I'm not sure what this refers to.

7) Check where the Styles Library is stored. If it is on a shared network drive, whitelist Inventor.exe and * in the Antivirus/network control tool.

- Could you provide more info please? I'm not sure where look to see where the Styles Library is saved.

8) Close all apps and go to C:\Windows\System32\ and find FNTCACHE.DAT. Rename to something else. Reboot the machine.

- Done. Had no effect.



To see where the styles library is stored, look in your .ipj file. You can see this by going to "Get Started" tab, chose "Projects in the Launch panel. You will see something like this.



You can find the Styles Manager from the Windows start, then find your Autodesk Inventor 20xx node.  It will be under that.






Thanks for the help @karthur1 . I've found that Design Data is local now. (attached)


As for the Styles Library Manager. I've found it, but not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do with it to resolve my issue.


Any advice would be great, thanks, sorry 🙂



It looks like you are using the original styles shipped with Inventor 2025, so no need to migrate that.


@karthur1 So it doesn't seem to be an issue with the Styles Library?


I've done a little more troubleshooting, if the following information helps.


1. When selecting "Styles Editor" within the Manage Tab within Inventor, it takes about 3 seconds to open. A longer delay than when editing a dimension.

Could there be a connection?

Is this behavior normal?


2. We use a drawing template and the styles that were setup on an old version of Inventor.

I've tried creating a completely new Project , new part, and new drawing. The delay still exists when creating a dimension.

My thinking was that maybe some artifact from the old version had carried over and Inventor2025 was trying to locate a style that doesn't exist anymore.


Any other ideas are appreciated.



Not sure how much of a lag you are seeing, but in 2022 I do see a slight lag when I edit a drawing dimension (about 1 to 1.5 sec).


You can try migrating your older styles to 2025.  You can do that in the Styles Manager.  Be sure to make a copy of the complete styles library before you do.


Start the styles manager and you can pick the folder where the styles resides.  If it requires migrating, the migrate button will be illuminated.  You can use the Styles Manager to compare two styles and see what's different and what's the same between them.







Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! As Kirk mentioned, you will need to migrate the old Styles Library to 2025 using Style Library Manager. If nothing helps, please enable Performance Feedback Add-In (Tools -> Add-In). Then go to Help -> Performance Feedback Recorder -> record the hang and send in the recording.

After that, send me an email ( I would like to take a look at the recording.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


@johnsonshiue @karthur1 Thanks both for the suggestions.


I've migrated the styles now. I'd say it's helped a bit. The delay is less extreme.


I tried to use the Performance Feedback Recorder, but it keeps failing: "Failed to create the report. Error 202".


I've attached a screen recording instead.


Does this delay seem more normal to what you both experience? Are there plans to address this delay because it's still not ideal.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Adam,


Any delay isn't normal. But we need to understand the issue. Another approach to record the performance data is to use Microsoft Process Monitor. It is a free tool available to download at You may use it to record the operation. Then share the log file with me directly ( I would like to understand the lag better.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer

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@adam_dawsonFFHWW Hello, do you still need help with this question?

Chris Benner
Industry Community Manager – Design & Manufacturing

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Inventor/Beta Feedback Project


Hi @CGBenner .


I'm in email communications with @johnsonshiue . We've tried a few things, but not resolved yet, no.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! Just to provide some update on this issue, I can share the findings so far. It is still unclear to me why such operation takes long. I am asking for the files that exhibit the behavior. The issue could be files or styles related.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer