Inventor 2021.1 Update is here


Inventor 2021.1 Update is here


I'm happy to share that Inventor 2021.1 update has been release today. Check your Autodesk Account or the Autodesk Desktop App for your update. 


As many of you know these point releases include fixing issues but also add customer driven enhancements so be sure to check out the What's New and Release Notes for more details. 




62 Replies
Replies (62)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Marcin,


Many thanks for sending in the report! I have take a look at it. It is indeed a unresolved defect (INVGEN-44538). It may be corruption. But, without seeing the files, it is hard to tell. A few tips to try to mitigate the corruption.


1) Open the assembly and set LOD to All Components Suppressed.

2) Rebuild All.

3) Activate LOD Master.

4) Rebuild All.

5) Update associated drawing, presentation, and other dependent files.


Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


Hi @marcin_bargiel 


I looked at the defect and the associated crash report referenced by @johnsonshiue . It looks like you are crashing trying to save a drawing/dwg file. It appears that there is some sketch in the drawing which perhaps contains an orhphaned image file. - i.e. the object which manages OLE image items may have been deleted or corrupt leaving the images orphaned.


Here's what i would try:

1. Find the ole image links in your drawing document and purge them

2. You can do this by going to Manage Links and purging/deleting images you dont use

3. Next, try to inspect your sketches and see if there are any images and delete them

4. If it still crashes on save, then we would need to remove these orphaned images from the dwg file. 

5. Sometimes, if the source dwg came from autocad, you may want to open it there and see if it prompts you for a missing image link and try to fix it there and then reopen back in Inventor.

I know you cannot share your model files, but if you can share just your drawing file(s), we can inspect it and see if it's salvageable. 


If it happens on a lot of files, then it would be nice to see if you can reproduce it from scratch. You can send it to my email: sundarsATautodeskDOTcom




Shiva Sundaram
Inventor Development

Not applicable

I'm excited about the delivered pipeline trench subassemblies! I've been using subassembly composer recently and recognise how intricate and time eating these subassemblies are to buildhere, so this protects a lot time if you could discover the proper one.