What I'm saying is if a college teacher of SW, Inventor, Creo, may he teach them all, tells someone x is a bad practice, he should explain why, he should give alternative methods, and he should explain why these methods are better. If he doesn't do that, he is not a teacher. If he can't do that, this Autodesk certifying may be very overrated, and probably not rigorous at all. If we pay a lot of money to use Inventor, I expect some competence from the community who sound like self proclaimed masters of design.
And now I'm raising the question to see if you really have what it takes to be a Certified Super Extra Ultra Elite Inventor Grandmaster.
(below is really what this topic is all about, not sure how this defensive, empty approach is actually relevant to the discussion at hand)
Why are assembly level work features not good?
Why are part level work features as a component in an assembly so much better?
Why would I create an extra file (reference part), if I can just create a work feature in the assembly?
Why does it exist if it's such a bad practice?