Hello :),
Thanks for your answer :), however I cannot agree with you regarding to functionality. 🙂 (at least in previous Inventor 2018 if good remember ) See my answers below:
I think I know the difference now. I thought we had a change in behavior. It does not turn out to be the case. The latest assembly you attached is actually not a Frame Gen assembly. ( Yes that was my aim to show you difference btw. frame generator weldment assembly & normal weldment assembly ) All the fame member files have been copied over or promoted. They are all on the first level. As a result, you see these components in the drawing view -> Model State dropdown.
This functionality was working with frame generator assembly as well (but in previous version of Inventor - 2018 )
As you see Frame Gen subassembly as a default BOM structure is set for Phantom.
If you want the same behavior, you will need to break the Frame Gen structure. You can promote all the members to the top. Or you copy and paste the members from Frame Gen subassembly to the top-level. Please make sure this is what you want to do, since the associativity between the skeletal part and also the frame members will be broken accordingly. If you still want to keep the Frame Gen subassembly structure, you may consider using iLogic Design Copy workflow to create a brand new copy of the files. Then break the structure.
Yes I know what you mean and agree it will partially solve the problem. However my purpose is to find way how it was possible before inventor updates to 2019 or 2018. It was so easy prepare separate views from frame gen weldment assembly. (instead of Frame Gen subassembly in Model State dropdown were shown all members of subassembly). We have done plenty of drawings using this functionality and now is so problematic to not have this option preparing detail drawings/views from Weldment Assembly which consist Frame Gen sub assembly inside.
Such a solutions was very useful. I do not see what good functionality gives when in Model State dropdown is shown only Frame Gen sub assembly.
Hope you understand my need.
Many thanks!