Frame Generator Members in separate view in the drawing


Frame Generator Members in separate view in the drawing



My problem (or not enough knowledge about it 🙂 )is that I want to place each Frame Generator member in separate view. That functionality worked in 2018 Inventor but in the next versions disappeared (or some bug was generated)

However it do not work right now in 2020. Please see attached pictures. 

My aim is to make a separate view each of weldment assembly member. Do you have any idea what am I doing wrong?



15 Replies
Replies (15)

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! I am sorry I am a little bit confused with the issue. I don't believe there is a change in workflow in this particular case. Please share the files here (iam, ipt, and idw) so forum experts can help take a look.

Many thanks!


Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


Hi :), 

Thank You for your response. Please find files I work with in this issue. 

I also attached picture of the drawing view for better understanding. 

Aim of this case is to obtain View of the Main Weldment Assembly built with Frame Generator with balloons and separate views of each weldment members. (See attached  drawing / sketch )

Such a solution works but when I use not Frame Generator Weldment Assembly. (see attached print screen)

Hope U understand this time my problem. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! The two pictures do show the difference. But, I am not aware of a workflow leading to the behavior in second page. Could you share the files you captured the second image from?

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


Hi :), 

Please find enclosed file with drawing You asked. 


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Dawid,


I think I know the difference now. I thought we had a change in behavior. It does not turn out to be the case. The latest assembly you attached is actually not a Frame Gen assembly. All the fame member files have been copied over or promoted. They are all on the first level. As a result, you see these components in the drawing view -> Model State dropdown.

If you want the same behavior, you will need to break the Frame Gen structure. You can promote all the members to the top. Or you copy and paste the members from Frame Gen subassembly to the top-level. Please make sure this is what you want to do, since the associativity between the skeletal part and also the frame members will be broken accordingly. If you still want to keep the Frame Gen subassembly structure, you may consider using iLogic Design Copy workflow to create a brand new copy of the files. Then break the structure.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


Hello :), 

Thanks for your answer :), however I cannot agree with you regarding to functionality. 🙂 (at least in previous Inventor 2018 if good remember ) See my answers below:


I think I know the difference now. I thought we had a change in behavior. It does not turn out to be the case. The latest assembly you attached is actually not a Frame Gen assembly. ( Yes that was my aim to show you difference btw. frame generator weldment assembly & normal weldment assembly )  All the fame member files have been copied over or promoted. They are all on the first level. As a result, you see these components in the drawing view -> Model State dropdown. 

This functionality was working with frame generator assembly as well (but in previous version of Inventor - 2018 )

As you see Frame Gen subassembly as a default BOM structure is set for Phantom. 

If you want the same behavior, you will need to break the Frame Gen structure. You can promote all the members to the top. Or you copy and paste the members from Frame Gen subassembly to the top-level. Please make sure this is what you want to do, since the associativity between the skeletal part and also the frame members will be broken accordingly. If you still want to keep the Frame Gen subassembly structure, you may consider using iLogic Design Copy workflow to create a brand new copy of the files. Then break the structure.

Yes I know what you mean and agree it will partially solve the problem. However my purpose is to find way how it was possible before inventor updates to 2019 or 2018. It was so easy prepare separate views from frame gen weldment assembly. (instead of Frame Gen subassembly in Model State dropdown were shown all members of subassembly). We have done plenty of drawings using this functionality and now is so problematic to not have this option preparing detail drawings/views from Weldment Assembly which consist Frame Gen sub assembly inside. 

Such a solutions was very useful. I do not see what good functionality gives when in Model State dropdown is shown only Frame Gen sub assembly. 

Hope you understand my need. 

Many thanks!


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! I think there is still some confusion. Could you show me a set of files created in the past allowing you to document Frame Gen member individually within Weldment Model State? It sounds like you have done it before but I am not aware of such workflow. I need to see any example.

The only workflow I am aware of to do that is to create Design View Rep and isolate individual FrameGen members. Then create drawing views for each Design View Rep. Is this what you did before?

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer


@johnsonshiue, I think you're on the right track here.  I am still running 2018, and I don't see any way to do this without doing something unusual to the assembly (like the promotion you mentioned).


I used an existing file (originally created for some other test I don't remember) to try this out.  The main assembly was set as a Weldment, the FG assembly is set to the default Phantom.  When I try to place views of the assembly on the drawing, the list does not see past the FG assembly to the individual parts.


Because all the samples are saved in a later version than I can currently open, I can't investigate what was actually done on @dawid.borodo's older files.  But I can confirm that 2018 FG behaves exactly as shown in the example pictures of newer files.


My guess would be that it was done with View Representations (as you described), or the parts were just placed on the drawing individually instead of from the assembly.


Hello, I have the same error.

Now we must browse in forlder when creating view of the parts.

We must also on baloon write correct position to match the bom list manually.

There must be made som changes that is not suppose to be?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! I am sorry I am confused. I am not aware of a workflow allowing you to select individual frame member to create a drawing view when you select the frame assembly.

Please show me an example how you did it.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer




I think the Wokflow is that they have used Frame Generator inside a Weldment Assembly.  That way you could(earlier) detail each member on a drawing. This is not possible anymore.





Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Svein,


I am sorry I am still at loss here. I am not sure how you document individual frame member without using Design View isolating them. Please share an example of how you did it. I should be able to tell if it is available or why it is discontinued. I am not aware of any behavioral change in this regard.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer

Not applicable 


Here the weldment is under Frame generator sub-assembly. Then, "Frame" is chosen in model state drawing view and therefore all its parts can be chosen. Works in Inventor 2020


@johnsonshiue Is there any updated in this matter?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi! Based on my understanding, the way it should work is as I described above. You will need to create design views and keep one frame member visible and the rest invisible. Then create drawing views for the assembly associated with the design views. Annotate the views accordingly (create PartsList by filtering out the invisible frame members).

There isn't a workflow documenting each frame member as a part and referencing the item number associatively.

Many thanks!

Johnson Shiue (
Software Test Engineer