Alongside Inventor 2019 I still have the 2016 version installed for the Force Effect Addin (Since every other version has simply been whiped out, yey cloud software)
However upon a start today I get the following error:
Failed to load URL http://localhost:44441/forceeffect-plugin/App/frontend/fe.html?http-port=44441&socket-port=44442 with error The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. (404).
I'm aware Autodesk stops supporting after 3 years but since this is calling a localhost process it should still work not?
Any1 with an idea to get it working again?
Kind Regards,
Forceeffect is done/retired/killed,etc... and will not work..
You should simply disable that addin so that you don't have that error..
It's been working just "fine" the last few years(After it being retired)
And since there is no real alternative to this it's still worth keeping it operational.
The addon is only in the 2016 version so it's not influencing anything in the newer versions
But it's still handy on occasion
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