I am trying to show the Center of Gravity of our equipment on a print, but I am seeing that the COG in my model vs. where it is being placed in the print is different. I am unsure why, and do not see any way to update them so that they match. Any advice would be appreciated.
First, if you have models to share, this might be much easier to test. But we understand if you can't.
Try a rebuild all and update mass on the assembly, to make sure weights are up to date on everything.
Also check the BOM of the main assembly to see whether or not the items are all participating (and not overridden):
I am not sure this could affect much but it's worth a shot (you want the checkbox below UNCHECKED usually):
CAD and PLM admin | My ideas | Inventor-Vault Expert GPT (my AI brain)
Unfortunately these steps did not help.
I had read in a previous forum that there is a bug between LOD COG and it not updating to the proper LOD COG in an IDW. People have given work arounds using ilogc, but I don't want to deal with adding iLogic into models and messing around with that, as it is not something I am versed in.
Are the views in the same LOD as the model shown? Try both in master perhaps and compare.
CAD and PLM admin | My ideas | Inventor-Vault Expert GPT (my AI brain)
Yes, The view rep and LOD both matched the model. The model showed a different COG than what it shows in the IDW at the same view rep and LOD. When I updated the model to master, the COG does change, and the COG shown is what it keeps putting it at in the IDW. So even though the model will show an updated COG when I change the view rep/LOD it will not show the updated COG in an IDW with the same model in the same view rep/LOD. It is showing the COG in the location for the master of the model in the IDW.
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