I've got some guys that are having similar problems with Inventor 2019. They work on a drawing and move along fine, then suddenly (seemingly at random because I can't reproduce it but I've witnessed the behavior on their machines), they will go to add a dimension, a leader, a balloon, or edit text and Inventor will hang up. If they are able to add a dimension but then hit "ESC", it freezes. Saving will restore functionality, as will an "undo". I've got 15 users I help support and only 3 of them are having these issues.
What we've tried:
Install all updates.
Full Uninstall/Reinstall
Disable iLogic.
Disable Add-ins.
Search for hidden dialog boxes on freeze (the old Alt+space, M, Arrow Key trick).
No dice on any of it. It seems like once you have that first hang you get stuck in an loop and it will happen every time. But it's not all our users. Our IT department and myself are really scratching our heads on this one.
Edit: To be clear, there isn't a crash. Inventor just hangs. Almost like the screen isn't updating. It's been a frustrating few weeks since this has started and we haven't been able to reliably replicate the problem or narrow down the cause. This happens on existing drawings and new drawings.