Not able to extract data from .sfx files for AutoCAD Design Suite


Not able to extract data from .sfx files for AutoCAD Design Suite

Not applicable

Hi all,


I need help in extracting the data from .sfx files for AutoCAD Design Suite.

There is 4 .sfx files, Downloaded all of them and kept them in the same location without even changing the names.


But when I run the first file for extraction, the self extracting window opens but doesn't start the extraction process.

It'll be unresponsive for some time and then closes automatically without any Failure or Warning messages.


Need help as soon as possible.


Please suggest me.



Niranjan V

Accepted solutions (1)
23 Replies
Replies (23)

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi Niranjan and welcome to the forum.


I sounds like it might be a corrupt download. Can you post the names and corisponding files sized of all the part files you downloaded?

Jeffry Asbury

Not applicable

Dear Jeffry,


Here is the downloaded files information.


ADS_Ultimate_2016_English_Win_64bit_DLM_001_004.sfx [20,65,823 KB]

ADS_Ultimate_2016_English_Win_64bit_DLM_002_004.sfx [20,65,823 KB]

ADS_Ultimate_2016_English_Win_64bit_DLM_003_004.sfx [20,65,823 KB]

ADS_Ultimate_2016_English_Win_64bit_DLM_004_004.sfx [97,879 KB]


Extension for all the files is .exe


Attaching the image too.


If it's corrupted, I think the extraction executable should say it's corrupted or some error message. am i right?


I'm facing the same issue with the Autodesk Inventor LT Suite setup too.


Autodesk_Inventor_LT_Suite_2016_x64__001_002.sfx [20,65,823 KB]

Autodesk_Inventor_LT_Suite_2016_x64__002_002.sfx [5,36,012 KB]


Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support
Accepted solution

Perhaps there's another conflict here. Do you have any 3rd party compression utilities installed such as winzip, winrar, ect? Perhaps one of those is affecting the extraction. I would suggest perhaps try uninstalling any of those if present or perhaps try transfering the files to a different computer and extract them there. 

Jeffry Asbury


I think I know what's going on. Watch your Temp folder for log files. There should be one for each 001,002,003,004. If not, one of the file's signature cannot be verified. For example, if you get 001, and 002 log files only, look in the 002 log file and it will say something about the signature not being verified. If even just one of the file's signature cannot be verified, the extract process will abort without any errors.


You can also look in the Properties of each file and make sure your computer is recognizing a digital signature for each file.


I am in the process of redownloading the "faulty" file. Hopefully it works this time.

Not applicable
Hi I am unable to extract the file, it's says extracting but the window disappears and nothing happensCan someone please help me!!

Not applicable
Hi have you been succesful in installing the software, if yes could you please guide me on how to do this, I am having trouble installing it. Going through the same issue.




Not sure what you have tried so far but...


Download and install per:

1. Access the Autodesk Virtual Agent (link is in my signature) and follow the download links to your product.
2. Download all of the parts (some applications only have a single part to download) for your product first. Do not continue until all of the parts have fully downloaded.
3. Navigate to your download folder location and extract (double click) part _001_00X.sfx.exe (or the single file download).
4. In a few seconds the extraction will start and prompt you to extract to C:\Autodesk.
5. Once the extraction is finished, the installation will automatically start.
6. Follow the installation steps for your product

If you want the full recommended installation steps, click on the installation link in my signature.

Good luck on your installation and welcome to the community..

Mark Lancaster

  &  Autodesk Services MarketPlace Provider

Autodesk Inventor Certified Professional & not an Autodesk Employee

Likes is much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.

Not applicable
Hi mark, thanks for the guidance, I am trying to download the design suite and have copied all the files in one location, when I try to extract the file, it starts of with extracting but eventually no error comes up and it disappears. nothing comes up. What are your thoughts ? Thanks for welcoming me to this community.


Where are you copying these files to?  Why do you need to copy them?  Leave them in your download folder location and run the extraction there.  These files are only need to extract the entire software to the C:\Autodesk location and then there are not needed again.


Update:  Also the part 1 extraction file should have a extension of .exe and not .sfx...

Mark Lancaster

  &  Autodesk Services MarketPlace Provider

Autodesk Inventor Certified Professional & not an Autodesk Employee

Likes is much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.


Not applicable

Exactly the same problem here. I've so far downloaded the installation files 5 times (yep, 5, that's not a typo) and each and every time I get exactly the same problem. The 'Initializing' screen appears, then everything disappears. I have tried this on a number of work machines, a few of my own personal machines, and even some virtual machines and not one of them gets any further.


I've got quite a few users that are desperate for the software and I'm running out of excuses as to why they can't have it!





Welcome to the community...


Have you tried downloading using the Autodesk Virtual Agent method?  If not please follow these steps


Download and install per:

1. Access the Autodesk Virtual Agent and follow the download links to your product.
2. Download all of the parts (some applications only have a single part to download) for your product first. Do not continue until all of the parts have fully downloaded.
3. Navigate to your download folder location and extract (double click) part _001_00X.sfx.exe (or the single file download).
4. In a few seconds the extraction will start and prompt you to extract to C:\Autodesk.
5. Once the extraction is finished, the installation will automatically start.
6. Follow the installation steps for your product


If you have already used the Virtual Agent method please let us know.

Mark Lancaster

  &  Autodesk Services MarketPlace Provider

Autodesk Inventor Certified Professional & not an Autodesk Employee

Likes is much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.


Right click on the each of the downloaded .sfx files and see if there is a digital signature that came with it (see below). If any of the files does not have a digital signature, you will get the behavior that you are experiencing. Now if someone knows of a way to trick Windows into ignoring the digital signatures, that would eliminate having to download the file(s) over and over again. It is my computer after all, and I trust Autodesk to not do any harm to it.

Digital Signatures.JPG

Not applicable

Thanks for the replies, guys. 


I followed all those steps Mark but still had the same problem. It was actually a post of yours I saw that got me to try redownlaoding the installation files so many times.


I've checked my temp folder and it looks like the issue is as Lesmfunk mentioned, there is an issue with the digital signature of package #4. The exact error is:


Error is: 0x18fad8.
Failed to verify signature. Exiting application.


I've checked file #4 and I think you've cracked it. Whilst that shows as having a certificate, the date expires in November 2016, whereas the others expire in 2017.


I am now downloading the install files for a sixth time in the hope this time the digital signature is correct. I'm very confused how the other 5 files signatures were fine, but this one file is already expired. I have deleted all versions I've previously downloaded to make sure I don't get any files mixed up and will report back here tomorrow.


Thanks for your help again guys.





Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

If you still have the problem with that download you may want to try the solution linked below. As far as I know it applies to 2018 install files only but perhaps it can help in this case as well.



Jeffry Asbury




I'm confused..


First..  2018 product line has not been released and if people were having issue with installing  it (the beta version 2018)..  This would be covered in the related beta forum and no AKN article would be written for it.   Meaning it would be addressed by the development team before its released  Smiley Wink  So why is the URL address stating 2018?


Next..  There's no indication in the AKN article that it has anything to do with the 2018 product, thus the same question...


Mark Lancaster

  &  Autodesk Services MarketPlace Provider

Autodesk Inventor Certified Professional & not an Autodesk Employee

Likes is much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.



It seems that we have it narrowed down to the digital signatures, but from what I understand, digital signatures do not expire even though they have an expiry date.


In my case, the USB drive that I was using to transfer the files to an offline remote computer seemed to be unable to retain the digital signatures. The signatures showed up good until I ejected the drive and reinserted it. I think it was bad sectors on the drive. When I cleared the drive and reformatted it, I had less troubles (I still had to reload one of the files to the drive).


Checking that you have the exact number of KB on the download doesn't seem to be enough anymore. These digital signatures can be a pain especially if you are paying for internet data by the MB.


Can customers still request the software on a USB drive?


Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

here's the process for requesting a physical install media


Jeffry Asbury

Hello everyone. I'm no expert, but this worked for me. Whenever I clicked on an sfx file, the extraction window would open but there would be no progress, it was just frozen.

I moved the files to an external USB drive and extracted there (I think this is what did the trick).

I also clicked on the sfx files, clicked properties>digital signatures tab>details>view certificate> install. Did this before extracting, maybe it help fix the problem? I don't know.

I hope this helps someone.

Not applicable

Thanks fella! I was trying to install de Hotfix for geolocation and it wasn't working! But I didn't realize this problem until I tried to install de language pack for Portuguese... Was the same error, the extractor just disappears... Now I can use geolocation as well!