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Need Help Downloading Revit 2017


Need Help Downloading Revit 2017

Not applicable

I currently have Revit 2014 and it's a student version. I need to update it to Revit 2017. Everyone in my class was able to update with no problem, but when I go look at my account 2017 isn't listed as an option. I'm not sure what to do. Any help would be great! Thanks! 



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You can download Revit 2017 with help of Autodesk Virtual Agent

But as far as I know you have to get educational Serial Number from Educational Community:


So you have to begin download not from Autodesk Account but from Educational Community:


  1. Disable pop-up window blocking on your Web browser.
  2. After you sign in to the Education Community website, click Get Free Software on the left.
  3. Select the product you want to download.
  4. Specify Version, Operating System, and Language for the software you want to download.
    Note: For Windows systems, "32-bit" or "64-bit" refers to the version of your operating system, which you can check by going to Control Panel > System. You must choose the correct version in order to use the software.
  5. Click Browser Download.
    You may need to click the Install Now drop-down arrow to access Browser Download.
  6. When the download starts, you may be prompted to click Run (Internet Explorer) or, depending on your Web browser, the prompt may appear in your download window/bar (Chrome, Firefox or Safari).
    When the download is complete, double-click the downloaded file or click Run again.
  7. In the window, the Destination folder indicates the default location of the Product Installer. Although this location is customizable, we recommend that you retain the default location by clicking Install. 
    Note: The Product Installer is not the same as the actual product.  You'll need to run the Product Installer in order to install the software on your computer.

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Alexander Rivilis / Александр Ривилис / Олександр Рівіліс
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