I downloaded Maya 2020 last year and it was working perfectly. I did delete the app and now I am trying to launch the app but the icon would bounce then stops without launching. I am using macOS Big Sur version 11.1.
I think I have issues with Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service. I did try to follow the following:
However, I do not have "Maya Terminal" in the folder Maya2020 (step 4). I also tried to follow the uninstallation instructions but again my "Flexnet Publisher" folder is empty.
I tried launching Maya through terminal:
And I got the following message:
"A licensing error occurred that Autodesk systems were not able to handle for you. Please contact Autodesk Customer Support for help in resolving this error.
adlsdkAuthorize returned with error code: ADLSDK_STATUS_ADLS_NOT_FOUND
The default location for log files to help diagnose the issue is: /var/folders/84/69dyc_q952b7wdsnc4v2y0zr0000gn/T/"
I did download Maya 2019 and it's working fine (But again "Flexnet Publisher" folder is still empty)
Any idea how to solve this issue?