I am very disapointed wth Autodcad, I spent 1 entire day trying to solve un installation problem following all their instructions without sucess, very stressfull. I have that 1603 error, I install the Autodesk Licensing Service -win- installer file but I change nothing!!!
I also have that when trying to activate the service
Windows could not start the Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service service on Local Computer.
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
Hi @renatois,
Have you seen this article: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/autocad/troubleshooting/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Error-... ?
It should sort your licensing error, let me know if there any further issues.
Hello @renatois
I am sorry that you are having these issue with the installation, wanted to ask you if the suggestion of @leowarren34 did help you. I had the same issue and on my side was WebCompanion from Lavasoft that was causing the issue during the installation I uninstall it, and I was able to install AutoCAD.
In some cases the antivirus can also cause this problem, you may try to turn it off and then try the Installation. Let me know if you need more help.
Thanks guys, following the article didnt help, also I dont have WebCompanion from Lavasoft.
I had AutoCAD installed previously in my PC but as I decided to stop some services to improve the performance so I desactivated "FlexNet Licensing Service 64" and later found this article https://knowledge.autodesk.com/fr/support/autocad/learn-explore/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/FRA/C... the problem is that even when I reactivate it bugs. I am still looking for a solution.
Hello @renatois
What Windows version are you using at the moment? The FlexNet Licensing Service 64 is used for the older version of Autodesk software from 2019 back to the older version. For the 2020 and newer version, the AdskLicensingService. These service need to be running for AutoCAD to be able to verify the license, what at the moment is not starting.
Try the following:
Thanks for your help rouling, I am donne with Autodesk, I will try to install it another day in a VM cause nothing else is working. The only reason I will install it is to finish my course, otherwise I would never ever open an Autodesk product, I am fed up of all those error messages that leads you nowhere, services that doenst start, permissions not set, I am donne with Autodes. Thanks anyway for your precious time, have a good day my friend
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