cant get eagle 9.6.2 to run after install


cant get eagle 9.6.2 to run after install



There seem to be lots of reports of eagle 9.6.2 not loading on computers.

Ive gone through all of them.

I'm frustrated as i see numerous users reporting the solutions that are posted do not work.  Then the guy who is the administrator (garcia)  checks that the problem is solved when its clearly not .

Usually when you go through enough of them you find one where someone posts the solution that will work and this is not the case here.

From  vv 
in reply to: henissan  
‎02-09-2021 02:23 A

Hi I also disgusted from Eagle.

On clear installation Win 10, I wanted run Eagle, So I launch Eagle.Exe

EAGLE (1).png

And that was all.

After that I found "Solution"

  1. Navigate to C:\Windows\System32.
  2. Find the file IG4ICD64.dll and rename it in IG4ICD64.dll.bak.
  3. Launch Eagle.

If the issue persists or if the above DLL cannot be found, follow the below steps or the issue:

  1. Navigate to C:\EAGLE 9.x and find the file LIBEAY32.dll.
  2. Rename the .dll by appending .bak at the end of the file name: LIBEAY32.dll.bak.
  3. Launch Eagle again, the program should open with no issue. 

IG4ICD64.dll never exist in folder System32! So i can not rename this file.


Next "Solution" 

delete Eagle in AppData/Roaming evertime when i need Eagle


Eagle finally run, but only Offline. Eagle never goes to online state. 


I'm paying you for something broken…


((((end of previous users comments)))


What is the real solution.?   Can someone be serious about solving this problem?



I downloaded and installed Win64 OpenSSL v1.1.1i Light.

(needless to say i dont want unknown software on my computer as that is a security risk that you wouldnt know about)

renamed  libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll and replaced with version from SSL zip file

restart and it still fails


This is a brand new dell ailenware computer speced out for top of the line hardware.

I just updated the graphics card drivers and no luck (nvidia geforce RTX 3070) and also a AMD Radeon card


Basically, the first time i lauucnehd it, i got to where i type in my username and then hung up.  After that point, I was never able to even restart it.




9 Replies
Replies (9)


here are more threads on this particular issue

it looks like some of them along time ago report the SSL solutions works but then as time progresses im not so sure that it worked for everyohe with 9.6



this is crazy but this bug has been allowed to go on for so long


hi all

still waiting on the next stop on this?  hello


I am a paying customer.


 I have dumped close to 24hours into this without being able to solve it


the screen always says "loading" and eagle never finishes.



Hi @jmacioneWF972 ,


I hope you're having a great day. Just to clarify, I'm not an admin just an employee 😉 I'm not supposed to mark anything as a solution. That's for users to do.

Have you tried the instructions here:

This one tends to be the definitive final solution if all else fails.


Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.


that link does not work, Ive indicated Ive done it atleast 6 times.

there are 2 ways to do that and I have tried both.



And a missing step from the work instruction is that you should select to install the files into the windows directory and I did it that way.


what do i need to do to get this running?  



Community Legend
Community Legend
@jmacioneWF972 Log into your Autodesk Account, find and click on the ? icon, start a support ticket with Autodesk directly

In the meantime go back to your old PC where it all worked and consider your options to reformat your brand new PC (aka start over) with the WinOS installation.

Good luck.



its pretty nuts that you guys are asking me to reformat a brand new PC.    I mean, what is going to change when I reformat it and try again other than loosing days of work, its the same sytem


I did start a support case and no one got in contact with me after close to 2 days.



Im past teir 2 support, they are referring me to the the programmers next week for further debugging

I would post if I learn something.


they tried registry cleaners - revo uninstaller

doing all windows updates, a few new ones came up.. 

they did more nvidia driver updates, a few came out since I originally posted the topics

they tried adding eagle as a card that wors with the video driver in the nvidia app

they tried disabling one video card at a time


something like 5 hours that they put in

this is a brand new laptop thought, bought just for doing eagle

they tried the information that is posted in about 2-3 differnt user forums already linked in


perhaps next week I can start my job.



Hi @jmacioneWF972 ,


This is pretty incredible, I think you are the first user we've run into where nothing has worked. It's been a few days since your last post, if it's been resolved since that good. 


If not please reply and I'll see who else can be involved to help with this issue.


Best Regards,

Jorge Garcia
​Product Support Specialist for Fusion 360 and EAGLE

Kudos are much appreciated if the information I have shared is helpful to you and/or others.

Did this resolve your issue? Please accept it "As a Solution" so others may benefit from it.



Somehow we got the EAGLE running today after struggling with it for 5 months.

I got lucky as a coworker quit, and he had purchaesed the same computer that i had, an dell alienware


From the start, I was not able to get eagle to work, purchased this computer just for eagle and loaded it on day 1 when i got it and it was always stuck on the "loading" screen.   


     Image of downloads attached to this post shows how much i struggled as well as IT support for eagle too.


so on my co workers computuer, had the IT guy log me in as admin and the install worked from the start, no tricks needed.


We then tried my comptuer with the admin account and installed it, it worked.


Now we tried run the install with "run as adminisrator" without any luck.


we tried registry removers for eagle from tech support, none of them worked

anyway, we made a new user account on my PC and it seems to work


so there is something in the profile you dont understand that effects the install.


somehow the profile is corrupted by the installation and it had to be remade.


still not to happy wtih this process and eagle overall but will throw this into the knowledge pool as it might help someone out someday.




Im not quite sure what happened.