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Convert Geotagged (LL84) photos to Bookmarks

Convert Geotagged (LL84) photos to Bookmarks

As posted in the general discussion forum here, I would like to see an import option added which would basicly alow this:


  1. Import just any geotagged photo
  2. Convert the GPS Exif data (LL84) to an InfraWorks Bookmark (geocentric coordinates as found in the JSON files)
  3. Project the foto as background in the InfraWorks viewport


This would provide a very quick way to do some basic photo Matching in the early stages of projects. 


Great idea John following from the queries I raised in the discussion thread.


In my view, the idea needs to focus on the ability to 'Edit Bookmarks' the idea described above focuses on one facet of added functionality we would like which actually relies on other more simple elements.


I was thinking more along the lines of the below functionality to edit the bookmark.

This gives the [simple] ability to enter specific location co-ordinates (in either the nomintated project co-ords [Local] or Lat/Longs), or use the 'select' tool to grab the locations on-screen from your model.


For the [complex] PhotoMatch option, you can choose the file and if you want to read the EXIF data to get the location and camera (lens) properties. You would still then need to orientate / align the view by hitting the 'Select model and image locations to photo match' button.



 So you've hit the 'Select model and image locations to photo match'


Assuming you get all the lens info you need from the EXIF this would possibly be only one matching point to align the view.

Otherwise you go through a process of matching corresponding Model & Photo points, and the math/programming boffins work out the 'best fit' camera properties.

This would be done on some kind of 'split frame' view interface similar to the below.

A similar layout could then be used (once aligned) to display the photomatch type bookmarks, with a toggle for full or split frame viewing for users.


My 2c worth, Sorry if this is a bit long winded.


@Glenn.Coppard, I really like your ideas on these more robust editing ways on Bookmarks! Truely hope this can be implemented some day 😉


I agree, this would be an awesome to have. I've worked on a few projects where the client specifically requested that an infrastructure model be overlaid onto a picture. This is a very effective way to communicate a design because the existing conditions are already shown in the picture and don't need to be modeled. In my experience, trying to actually model the existing conditions within InfraWorks takes much longer and usually results in a half-baked visualization that doesn't nearly match the level of detail that you get by simply taking a picture. 


The only way that I've accomplished this in the past is with a tedious workflow of creating a bookmark that closely matches the photo and then compositing everything together in Photoshop. It would save a lot of time if this could be accomplished within InfraWorks.

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