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Allow to represent Skewed Bridge start/end section in InfraWorks

Allow to represent Skewed Bridge start/end section in InfraWorks

Allow creating a skewed bridge concrete surface (skewed start/end section of the bridge) similar to that on the bridges in the attached image, to show bridge dilatation for instance.


At the moment only abutments and piers, etc. can be skewed. 

1 Comment
Status changed to: Gathering Support

Hi Wojtek


When the abutments are skewed, the bridge deck and girders are also update to reflect the skew angles.  See below images where I turned off the terrain surface that also hides the roads.  One known visualization issue is that when we hide the road above the bridge, the clipped road does not reflect the skew angle and therefore, part of the abutment and deck are hidden by the road components.


-Ara Ashikian, P.Eng

PM Bridges / Civil Structures





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