The current way the adaptive grid is handled while sketching is horrible. When you're to fare away from the coordinate's origin it won't show up the grid anymore ("fog of war" does not disappear). See my screenshot of the most current Fusion360 version.
This is absolutely unsatisfying when you want so sketch with high precision.
Wouldn't it be better when you could add a "Sketch" plane into your scene that you can adjust like scale, move, rotate and subdivide the gridspacing right within the 3D environment (like a lokal grid) AND then you can select that sketch plane and you enter an undisturbed view with a plane of white background and grey grid lines where you can make your high precision sketching like on an old fashion analog drafting table. If desired you can make that plan less opaque to see the 3D Modell behind that plane for placement review and adjustments.
Currently I'm very unhappy with high precision modelling inside Fusion360 and looking for an alternative on a Mac.