Hi, we did what you are doing a few times in the past, with acceptable results.
I see some yellow sections in your path, which means it is not completely smooth, it should be completely blue. Also the tolerance has a huge effect on the result, the more points, the smoother it will be (less faceting). But also, the smoothing codes of your machine has a huge effect as well. For example, in our machines, the smoothing codes look like this: G121R5 The R value can be 1 to 10, 10 being for a super accurate finish pass, but more jerky (as it hits each coordinate with extreme precision), and 1 being loose.
For 5-axis, it is better to set it to 1 "lose" and have a tight tolerance in the toolpath to generate a lot of points. The reason as that with so many points, and a lose smoothing on the machine, the tool will "sail through the points" smoothly, instead of trying to hit each point exactly 100%, which would cause jerkyness. But because there are so many points, the tool will never venture very far from them. It will make a nice smooth curve through all the points.
I hope it makes sense...
Also, can you upload that file? Maybe someone can have a look, but the yellow bits between the blue shouldn't be there.