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Windows opening to tall

Message 1 of 4
191 Views, 3 Replies

Windows opening to tall

When I open any window they are to tall. I have to resize to even be able to select ok or cancel. Any way to fix this issue ? 

Message 2 of 4

Do you mean dialogs are too tall? If you dock them to  the right edge of the screen they should fit to the edge and then have a vertical scroll bar. You might need to close and restart Fusion after docking to get this to work correctly.

Just drag the dialog until you see the green line then release.



Mark Hughes
Owner, Hughes Tooling
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Message 3 of 4

That works in a fashion. I have to do it every time I open something. It’s very annoying in manufacturing when I am editing operations. Is there something that can permanently keep the windows the same size when pinned to the side? 

Message 4 of 4

If you pin the dialog to the side of the screen then close Fusion, on restarting it should fit dialogs correctly. You need to make sure you don't resize any manually of the auto sizing will stop working until you close and restart Fusion.


Mark Hughes
Owner, Hughes Tooling
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