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Winch/Hoist rope animation

Message 1 of 5
628 Views, 4 Replies

Winch/Hoist rope animation



I'm not sure if this is currently possible in fusion 360 but I'm trying to animate a rectangular platform that is connected to four winches or hoists on each corner and wanted to know if there is any way to animate or create a joint somehow that would demonstrate the ropes changing their length (technically they're coiling up on the spool but I'd be happy if they just changed their length for the sake of the animation. The winch in this picture is very similar to what I have.


















I also saw this post from a few years ago on the inventor forum but the link seems to be old or the video on that youtube channel has been taken down. But I'm essentially trying to do the same thing that they were:

Message 2 of 5
in reply to: Anonymous

@Anonymous wrote:

I also saw this post from a few years ago on the inventor forum ....

Do you have access to Inventor?

Message 3 of 5
in reply to: TheCADWhisperer

Unfortunately I don't I do have AutoCAD though.

Message 4 of 5
in reply to: Anonymous

I'm open to solutions that could just demonstrate the concept even if they are somewhat hacky or scrappy.

Message 5 of 5
in reply to: andrewjar66

@andrewjar66 wrote:

 I have learned many important things of winch here.


Did you intend to include a link?

Can you Attach a *.f3d example of the steps that you proposed?

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