I am having the same problem with the view-cube becoming deactivated. I think you are misunderstanding the nature of this problem. There are no apparent predictable conditions. It can happen or not happen at any time. What we are experiencing is that fairly often, when one goes to reorient the view with the view cube, the view cube is unresponsive. Escape-escape-escape, click, click-click-click, escape, change the window to full screen, change it back again, change some grid settings, change them back, anything— still not responsive. Then at some random time later as you are finding ways to work around the problem and get on with your work it will come back on. This sometimes happens when I open a new blank document. Other times I open a blank document and there is no problem.
You will not solve this problem by asking users for the conditions under which it happens— The condition is "when using Fusion 360 on a Mac". If you want to take this problem seriously you, or someone else at Autodesk needs to carry around a Mac with them and use Fusion 360 on a regular basis over different wi-fi connection, via DSL and higher bandwith services, and/or to go to the sites of users who are experiencing the problem. Perhaps it is related to Cloud transactions and updates which have to do with communications and bandwidth and not with workflow.
In my case: MacBook Pro, OS 10.10.3, no external mouse, wi-fi->DSL, no tablets— just the touchpad on the MacBook Pro. Clipboard info from Graphics Diagnostic listed below.
I will try checking "Limit all effects to provide maximum performance", but considering this happens with blank documents I suspect that is not the problem.
As long as this problem keeps coming up Fusion 360 will not be ready for serious use on a Mac. Consider that that is a pretty big market.
Regards and thanks.
[GPU Information]
GPU Device: AMD Radeon HD 6770M
GPU RAM: 1024 MB
[Graphics Effects Settings]
Anti Aliasing: On
Ambient Occlusion: Off
Object Shadow: Off
Ground Shadow: On
Ground Reflection: Off
Selection Display Style: Normal
Transparency Effect: Better Performance
The effects could slow down the graphics rendering; try to limit them for optimum performance.
[Limit all effects to provide optimum performance]