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Update a derivative of a part in a assembly

Message 1 of 4
228 Views, 3 Replies

Update a derivative of a part in a assembly



before Fusion 360 I used other CAD-Sofwares like SolidEdge or Solidworks. There, I usually create a part and add it to a assembly. So if I change the part but doesn´t save it, it will nevertheless automatically update in the assembly. When I try the same procedure in Fusion 360 (create a derivative of a part), I can only update the assembly, when I saved the part to a new version. Can I change that in the settings or is that not possible?

Thank you for your help!


Tags (1)
Message 2 of 4
in reply to: tobii1998

that is not possible.  You must save a design before a referencing design will know that it is out of date.

Jeff Strater
Engineering Director
Message 3 of 4
in reply to: tobii1998

Do you understand the differences between a derived component and a linked component?


Message 4 of 4
in reply to: TrippyLighting

So far for me is the important difference between the derived and a linked component that I can´t make an update in the derived component without opening it and save as a new version. On the other hand I can change the linked component directly in the assembly. Is that what you meant?

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