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Understanding Configurations


Understanding Configurations




I'm finally getting around to explore configurations in F360 having been intrigued with the idea for some time...


I have a model of a little 'robot' - a three-axis manipulator that consists of a number of sub-components that are all held together by rigid, revolute, and slider joints. The 'robots' can be configured in various ways with attachments that can be added or removed as needed. Up to now, I've simply been hiding and unhiding things as needed, but was hoping that I could use configurations to quickly switch between specific setups.


I've populated the configuration table with 31 (up to now) items (all except three of the type "visibility"). Three are in reference to Captured Positions that I change by actuating one of the revolute or slider joints.


Here's where I'm stuck at the moment. As soon as I insert the model into a another Design, I have to pick one of the configurations and it seems that I can no longer switch between them and change the robot's setup.


Also, and this is a somewhat minor issue, the joint 'flags' and arrows no longer appear. I can go to the browser and choose drive joint by right clicking on them, but I'm used to double clicking the 'flag' ...


I feel like I'm on the cusp of understanding how Configurations could be beneficial to my workflows, but I'm not quite there... Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Best regards,


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Accepted solution

@andrew.smithPWL2Q wrote:



Here's where I'm stuck at the moment. As soon as I insert the model into a another Design, I have to pick one of the configurations and it seems that I can no longer switch between them and change the robot's setup.



Right click on the Inserted file in the Browser and choose Switch Configuration.


Change Configurations.jpg

John Hackney, Retired
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