Ive now spent hours today trying to insert a small STEP file into 360, which led to the repair tool unsuccessfully removing 360 from my PC and now im getting a leftover files error from the web launcher when trying to reinstall. Autodesk took away pretty much everything from the free accounts last year, now i pay for the full program and have nothing but problems. The installer wants me to delete a WebDeploy folder thats 30gb. Any help would be appreciated!
@Bansheeboy11 That is the folder where the installer drops in all the needed files. However we expect this to be in the 8-10Gb range.
You can safely delete that folder and try to install again. Did you try a restart of the machine to since often times that does solve a lot of these kinds of issues.
on a different note you mentioned "which led to the repair tool unsuccessfully removing 360 from my PC". Is my understanding that you could not insert a STEP file and you did the repair to see if that will fix it?
Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion
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Hello, i did delete the file which allowed me to continue the reinstall and the software seems to be working correctly.
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