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Unable to login on a new windows installation

Message 1 of 3
223 Views, 2 Replies

Unable to login on a new windows installation

I have decided recently to switch pc to ubuntu and just run all of the windows programs in a virtualBox Win11 VM.


But with Fusion 360 I cannot login at all, asks for a browser login, I login successfully. It redirects me to Fusion 360, it freezes for a bit and shows an error


tried chrome, edge, firefox.

On old PC, I can log out and login no problem

Message 2 of 3

@smn_btk Have you tried walking through the troubleshooting link that comes up in that message? These are likely that a cache on credentials that may not be present that is causing this problem and the troubleshooting guide can certainly help. 

Rajkumar Ilanchelian
Autodesk Fusion

Join Fusion Insider

Message 3 of 3

Thank you, I've been able to solve the issue by switching to VMware
workstation for my VM

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