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The object is frozen

Message 1 of 4
267 Views, 3 Replies

The object is frozen

The problem is that the object that I'm designing is completely still and not moving. I can make changes to it but the changes won't show up until I change tabs or restart the app. Also an image of the data panel stays on screen even though it is closed.This is the data panel's stuck imageThis is the data panel's stuck image


Labels (1)
Message 2 of 4
in reply to: ptural


What graphics card and driver are you running?

What graphics do you have set in Fusion Preferences?

Is this a new problem - it used to work on this machine, or

…did it never work?

Can you File>Export your *.f3d file to your local drive and then Attach it here to a Reply?

Message 3 of 4
in reply to: TheCADWhisperer

My graphics card is AMD Radeon Vega 8 Graphics with Radeon 540X Series

I have never encountered these problems. This is a first time

And also, this happens with all designs, not with just one of them

Here are the graphics settingsHere are the graphics settings

Message 4 of 4
in reply to: ptural

Ok, so I fixed the problem by reinstalling my graphics driver software. I first deactivated them and then reinstalled them from the manufacturer's website

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