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Sheet metal to DXF corrupted lines

Message 1 of 9
290 Views, 8 Replies

Sheet metal to DXF corrupted lines

Dear Fusion 360 - My sheet metal part has a cutout, with rounded edges, which is created by projecting geometry. The geometry is good and the flat pattern looks good, however the DXF export does not render the rounds correctly. They are rotated and disconnected, see pics. 

exported DXF.jpg

flat pattern.jpg

Message 2 of 9
in reply to: hanumara

Do you get different results when selecting the poly line option? What view software? Can you share your dxf?

Message 3 of 9
in reply to: hanumara

Sadly, I did test the polyline option, but the result was the same. And I have viewed the DXF in Autodesk's TrueView 2023 as well as Solid Works. I can't distribute the DXF.


Message 4 of 9
in reply to: hanumara

OK> What happens when you import the dxf into a fresh Fusion 360 Document?

Message 5 of 9
in reply to: hanumara

Still odd! I suspect that the issue is with the DXF engine, since what I see is not what I get.




Message 6 of 9
in reply to: hanumara

Ok I suspect the rectangular penetraion may not have been via a fully constrained sketch?...Not that that should be an issue..It's a bit hard to diagnose with the apparent NDA But Id start by creating the penetration as a quadrilateral and filet the Body.

Message 7 of 9
in reply to: hanumara

Try creating a 2d drawing of the part and export as a DXF.


Mark Hughes
Owner, Hughes Tooling
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Message 8 of 9
in reply to: hanumara

Have you updated Fusion today? There is an update that might have some fixes.


Mark Hughes
Owner, Hughes Tooling
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Message 9 of 9
in reply to: hanumara

Good Morning Mark & Warming Up, 


While I abhor sketches with unconstrained points, I'm guilty of this transgression occasionally. The idea of filleting the body is a good one and I was getting ready to poke at the part from which this feature was projected and then the update pushed. Presto, the problem is gone! (I was ready with the 2D drawing work around, but "fixes" make engineers nervous.) What a strange error, but this is just in time as I push out a bunch of sheet metal parts. 

Thank you both of your care and speedy responses,




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