Hi @hoegge
Thanks for the response! I am sorry to hear that a clean uninstall and reinstall did not resolve this behavior for you - we appreciate the screencast! Our development team will be looking into this behavior in the issue we logged earlier (FUS-34527) and we appreciate you bringing this to our attention.
You can use the Windows uninstall tool, but it will not clear your locally cached data like the clean uninstall tool will. I am unsure of why development chose to use the utility instead of the standard process - my guess would be that the Windows uninstall tool prevents any non-program data from being deleted from the localappdata folder. I have also fixed the link in the clean uninstall article, thank you for bringing this up!
The screencast issue is a known current limitation of our forum provider, unfortunately editing posts can often remove screencasts. This is not ideal, but please don't hesitate to create new replies when you need to attach a video.
Moving forward, I would like to learn more about what is preventing Fusion from remembering the "Send to 3D Print Utility" flag. Sometimes antivirus and firewall software can interfere with normal Fusion operations - does the problem continue if you temporarily disable your antivirus/firewalls? If you could attach your diagnostic log files to this forum thread I am happy to have a look to see if they provide any valuable information for troubleshooting!
Paul Clauss
Product Support Specialist